Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Harris Faults Sexism, Racism for Her Campaign Struggles

Whenever Democrats find themselves having a tough time, they immediately portray themselves as the victims, while painting others as villains. We’ve seen this time and time again; victimhood ideology is what fuels the Democrat Party. Were they not consistently working to divide people and then pretending to be the party of love and unity, Democrats wouldn’t have a leg to stand on in politics.
In light of how the left has chosen to operate, it comes as a shock to no one that 2020 Democrat Kamala Harris is blaming sexism and racism for her failing presidential campaign. Reports from The Daily Caller News Foundation confirm that Harris blamed others (and not herself) for the state of her campaign in a recent interview.

Kamala Harris by Gage Skidmore, on Flickr
The fact that Harris has declined to consider her own actions and policies as reasons for her campaign struggles is all the more reason why she has no business becoming the next president.

Harris on the State of Her 2020 Campaign

Kamala Harris has made a series of missteps which engendered the ruin of her presidential campaign. One of the greatest missteps of all involves horrific policies, such as taking away Americans’ private healthcare. Earlier this year, an elderly woman at a senior citizens’ home actually confronted Harris over her poor healthcare positions.
Furthermore, Harris has repeatedly gone after President Trump in a cheap attempt to get a response. After finally getting the attention she clearly wanted from the president, Harris played the victim yet again…while asking for money to keep her campaign from completely dying.
However, in spite of the aforementioned details, Harris views sexism and racism as the biggest enemies of her campaign. During talks with HBO, the 2020 Democrat stated that her gender and race play a role in her “electability.” Shortly thereafter, Harris questioned whether or not Americans are truly ready for “a woman and a woman of color to be president of the United States.”

More on Harris and the 2020 Election

Not everyone is meant to become president of the United States. Since her time as a presidential candidate, Kamala Harris’ campaign has progressively worsened. As such, it might be a good idea for her to consider that being the commander-in-chief simply isn’t for her.
Kamala Harris by Gage Skidmore, on Flickr
The DNC and other higher-ups within the party have already shown Americans that they’re not above rigging primaries in the favor of their desired candidates. The nation saw this in 2016 when the DNC purposefully colluded to ensure that Hillary Clinton won the Democrat nomination. With the current primary election underway, it appears as though Joe Biden is going to be the Hillary Clinton of 2020.
If Kamala Harris is truly concerned about the state of her presidential campaign, she should first look in the mirror and then at the leaders of her own party.

What do you think about Harris’ take on why her campaign is barely treading water? Don’t hold back in the comments section below!

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