Hillary dodging process servers?

Speaking of disinformation, lying, and defamation, it seems that Hillary Clinton is using government funds (her Secret Service detail) to dodge Tulsi Gabbard's process server.
She is trying to excuse her defamatory statements by claiming that she did not call out Tulsi Gabbard specifically by name.
One wonders when the reporters will ask her about this excerpt from The Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law 2018, page 489, ISBN 978-1-5416-7238-3:
But even where no name is used, a libel claim may be brought if some readers would reasonably understand the statement to be about the plaintiff. For example, the statement referring to "the woman who cooks lunch at the diner," when there is only one woman who cooks at that diner, will be considered "of and concerning" the female cook.
Come on, you Bob Woodward wannabes, be the one to finally put the fork in her, because she is done!