Friday, January 31, 2020

Swipe At Romney? Utah Lawmaker Unveils Bill To 'Recall' U.S. Senators From Office

Swipe At Romney? Utah Lawmaker Unveils Bill To 'Recall' U.S. Senators From Office

Utah Republican Sen. Mitt Romney has been attacking and going after President Donald Trump for quite some time. 
In recent months, Romney has spoken out against Trump, suggested he would support impeaching the president, and got caught operating a fake Twitter account that he used to promote himself and go after the president.

Now, Republican Utah state Rep. Tim Quinn has introduced a bill in that state's legislature that would allow voters to recall U.S. senators -- which seems to be an obvious swipe at Romney.
According to Deseret News, the bill would create a process by which a recall vote could go on the ballot after a petition by voters.
“I know that’s what’s going to be the narrative,” Quinn told the Deseret News when asked if the bill was aimed at Romney, the sitting GOP senator whose current term doesn't expire until 2025. “If it were, then it might make sense to have a sunset on it. That would not be the case.”
“Six years is a long time,” he said.
The report adds:
Romney has been under pressure from Republicans for his seeming willingness to buck President Trump, especially amid impeachment proceedings. Specifically, Romney has been open to hearing witnesses in Trump's Senate impeachment trial at a time when most Republicans are in favor of a fast acquittal of the president.
The proposed bar for putting a recall vote on a ballot is quite high, requiring the signatures of 25 percent of "the number of active voters in the state." In addition, senators could not be recalled within the first year of their term, within a year of winning a recall election or within a year of the end of their term.
The bill, if passed, would likely face a constitutional challenge.
This comes come days after a new Morning Consult Poll was released showing a massive 8-point drop in Romney’s approval ratings in Utah.
In the third quarter of last year, he had a comfortable 65 percent approval rating.
But in the last quarter, he dropped to 57 percent — which is around the same time he began showing signs of siding with Democrats in the impeachment trial.
Romney's anti-Trump antics could finally be catching up with him.

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