Saturday, February 1, 2020

After impeachment, what’s the Democrats’ next outrage? WND Managing Editor David Kupelian identifies No. 1 purveyor of Trump Derangement Syndrome

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After impeachment, what’s the Democrats’ next outrage?
WND Managing Editor David Kupelian identifies No. 1 purveyor of Trump Derangement Syndrome

Dear friend of WND,

Although the Democrats' cynical and disgracefully insincere impeachment charade is finally flaming out, new leftwing insanity is bursting forth all around us. Elizabeth Warren has now vowed that if elected president, her secretary of education – in charge of what tens of millions of precious American children will learn in school – will be interviewed and vetted for her by a young transgender child. Folks, that’s not liberal, left, “woke” or even radical – it’s just flat-out insane. We now have actual insane people running for president.

Joe Biden, when he’s not making up “Walter Mitty”-type stories about his past heroic adventures, is either forgetting what state he’s in or defending his son Hunter. Both Joe and Hunter are guilty of one of the most obvious, egregious, high-profile, textbook cases of political corruption in memory, but Biden insists, “Not a single person’s ever suggested there’s anything I did that was anything other than completely in the interest of the United States of America.” Uh huh.

Then there’s Bernie Sanders, who increasingly looks like the Democrats’ frontrunner for the nomination. Americans need to face the real possibility that a deranged, perpetually enraged old commie could become president of the United States. If elected, Bernie pledges on DAY ONE to issue lots of executive orders reversing many of Trump’s key policies – including, for example, immediately halting border wall construction, eliminating any limit on accepting refugees, and reinstating Obama’s DACA program. To the Democrats, you see, it’s necessary that racist America should be entirely overrun with unvetted immigrants – legal or illegal doesn’t matter – including tens of thousands of criminals and gang members like MS-13. (But remember, Bernie says incarcerated terrorists should be allowed to vote, so I guess MS-13 would qualify as Bernie voters as well.)

However, if Sanders is NOT elected – well, his supporters and campaign workers (FOUR of whom recently said in separate hidden-camera interviews by Project Veritas, that they are plotting major violence in America if Bernie loses, another supporter shot Rep. Steve Scalise in 2017, and another was just arrested Friday for breaching two security checkpoints near President Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida) are making it clear they think America is due for a violent revolution if Trump wins reelection.

Friends, how on earth did America get to such a bizarre place?

And where does this epic conflict ultimately end?

Let's take two steps back and quickly answer the first question: What we cryptically call "the left" – code for a godless, revolutionary movement steeped in pathological anger and churning rebellion against America as a uniquely blessed Judeo-Christian, constitutional republic – is at war not just with the Trump administration, but with America herself.

Many have likened the current state of American society to a "second civil war."

Thus, after three years of Donald Trump's first term as president, we are experiencing a time of nonstop lying and disruption by the desperately unhinged left, aided by the rest of our ruling class. The Democrats' impeachment farce has just been the latest phase of a deeply un-American, unconstitutional, immoral and never-ending coup d'etat.

Yet, who is really the most important player of all in determining the OUTCOME of this new civil war?

After all, everybody knew from the start that Trump would not be removed from office by impeachment. It takes a two-thirds supermajority of U.S. senators to convict in an impeachment trial. That means as many as 19 of the current 53 Republican senators could have theoretically defected to the dark side – a total impossibility – and Trump still would not have been removed from office. (All that is needed, constitutionally, is 34 votes to acquit.)

Therefore, the TRUE PURPOSE the impeachment charade – just like the Trump-Russia collusion charade before it – and the Trump-locks-children-in-cages charade – and the Trump-is-a-racist/fascist/Nazi/Hitler/KKK/white supremacist charade, and all the rest of the left’s cynical charades since Americans chose Trump as their president in 2016 – has been to poison voters, to try to make sure Trump loses his re-election bid to one of the lunatic Democrat presidential hopefuls this November.

And who or what is MOST RESPONSIBLE for how the American voting public interprets the madness now unfolding, not just in Washington, D.C., but around the nation?

That would be the news media.

As a professional journalist for close to 40 years, I can say unequivocally that today's "mainstream" news establishment is largely a gigantic, cynical hoax – populated in great measure by leftwing activists and sycophants loyal to the permanent governing elite (aka “the swamp”). They just PRETEND to engage in journalism, while in reality they are little more than a craven propaganda ministry for the Democratic Party.

With all this in mind, consider that we are rapidly approaching a point of no return in our country this November. If one of the Democratic Party’s deranged and corrupt candidates – including Hillary Clinton, who recently admitted that she has a strong “urge” to run again against Trump – becomes president in a few months, say goodbye to America.

What can you do?

Jefferson was right when he wrote to Lafayette in 1823, "The only security of all is in a free press." With a free, strong and vibrant press, where truth is daily “shouted from the rooftops” so to speak, there is real hope.

I am asking you to please help WND – whose motto since 1997 has been “A Free Press for a Free People” – to continue, indeed to grow and expand, in its longtime and utterly genuine journalistic mission to report the truth, without fear or favor, every single day. Truth is exactly what America desperately needs right now.

WND is an unusual entity in the media world – it’s the oldest online Christian journalism organization in America – staffed by experienced professional journalists from all the major broadcast and print organizations, but who are also committed Christians (one key editor even spent years helping smuggle Bibles behind the Iron Curtain!). Others have left key news outfits like the Associated Press, CNN and MSNBC because those organizations were becoming more and more anti-Christian.

WND, or WorldNetDaily, has long been in the forefront of boldly reporting crucial issues – from the inner workings of the abortion industry to the largely unreported epidemic of voter fraud in America (almost always on the Democrats' side) – from the growing outrageous attacks on religious freedom in America to Big Tech's secret plans to swing the 2020 presidential election in favor of the Democrats.

But here’s the thing: Since online, independent news organizations like WND are now largely dependent on reader support instead of the major advertising that once supported online journalism (Google and Facebook having vacuumed up 90% of all digital advertising!), we very simply need your help.

Friends, WND cannot survive without you partnering with us. It’s as simple as that. If you help us, we will be able to boldly report, like no one else, on the gathering forces of anarchy, insanity and spiritual darkness that threaten to wash over our beloved republic. Let's not let it happen! Won't you join with us?

Whatever you can donate, just know that you are deeply appreciated by all of us at WND, just as, in turn, WND's special brand of journalism is appreciated by millions of readers. Please help keep the flame of America's free press alive.

Everything is riding on this November's election. If the Democratic candidate wins, America will go dark for a very long time, if not forever. Great civilizations live and die, they don't last forever – not if they continually violate the laws of God and common sense and economics and morality and the lessons of history. That, unfortunately, pretty well summarizes the platform of today's Democratic Party.

What else can I say? If you value WorldNetDaily, help us.

WND is blessed with a large and loyal readership; millions of people have freely benefited from its tireless and courageous journalism for over two decades. Please consider helping us with the most generous donation you can manage.

2020 is here. The election is in just nine months. This is a time for action – for all of us. Our adversaries are not holding back, and we need to not hold back either. I pray you will be inspired to join with us.

Thank you so much, and God bless you.

David Kupelian
Vice President and Managing Editor, WND
Editor, Whistleblower magazine
Author, "The Marketing of Evil," "How Evil Works" and "The Snapping of the American Mind"



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