Saturday, February 1, 2020

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Recent Articles

Adam Schiff and John Profumo: A Tale of Two Liars

Feb 01, 2020 01:00 am
Both men told whopping lies to their respective parliaments. One of them found redemption and atonement. Read More...

The Muslim World's Inferiority Complex

Feb 01, 2020 01:00 am
Did Harvard really just rank the Koran as "the best book on justice"? Here is the real story. Read More...

The Problem with Bernie

Feb 01, 2020 01:00 am
There is a strong possibility Bernie will end up the party’s nominee, a frightening prospect for the Democrat establishment and the country as a whole.   Read More...

Why Are Liberal Cities Such a Mess?

Feb 01, 2020 01:00 am
Liberal policies have worked almost perfectly to degrade the quality of inner-city life for their residents to the point of abject unacceptability.  Read More...

Impeachment Is a Badge of Honor for Donald Trump

Feb 01, 2020 01:00 am
These impeachment proceedings should be considered nothing less than public meetings of the Committee to Re-Elect the President. Read More...

How Did Gay 'Wedding' Flowers Lead to a Supreme Court Battle Over Creativity? (All this turmoil could have been avoided if they just tried a different Florest that did gay Weddings. or baked gay wedding Cakes. Instead they decided to ruin those lives of good people and there Christian be-leaves into the ground. Wanting to create a fight were none should have been in the first place. Pick your fight like fight Antisemitism. That is a real battle.) 

Feb 01, 2020 01:00 am
If Barronnelle Stutzman loses her case, the state will be essentially stifling creativity by enforcing the expression of a state-sanctioned ideology. Read More...


Recent Blog Posts

Media puffery can’t hide the Democrats’ impeachment face plant
Feb 01, 2020 01:00 am
Their failed efforts to impeach the best president America has had in decades will be the only thing for which they are remembered.  Read more...

Lone CNN and MSNBC commentators forget the party line and admit Dems’ face-planting
Feb 01, 2020 01:00 am
Each of the Trump-hating cable news networks yesterday broadcast commentary that contradicted the otherwise-mandatory narrative hyping the purported moral and political victories of the Democrats.  Read more...

Gun Control? After Mar-a-Lago attack, maybe it's time to talk about Bernie-supporter control
Feb 01, 2020 01:00 am
At Mar-a-Lago, another Bernie Bro, female version, strikes again.  Read more...

Impeachment blowback: Trump supporters feeling good
Feb 01, 2020 01:00 am
Dems have no interest in and no idea of the impact of their antics on normal Americans.  Read more...

Hijab Day normalizes Muslim women’s oppression
Feb 01, 2020 01:00 am
While women in some Muslim-majority countries are forced by governments to wear hijabs and face torture or imprisonment if they violate that official ordinance, much of the Western world will be celebrating “World Hijab Day.”  Read more...

Rep. Ilhan Omar says abortion laws criminalize women for simply existing (And regarding her own countries laws? Is there a difference?)
Feb 01, 2020 01:00 am
The truth is, “pro-choice” activists like Rep. Omar believe that the unborn child should be criminalized for simply existing. And then be removed…from existence.  Read more...

E. Jean Carroll's unlikely fantasies
Feb 01, 2020 01:00 am
Nobody serious believes E. Jean Carroll's story; it's just not credible from any angle.  Read more...

How the American public sees the impeachment articles
Feb 01, 2020 01:00 am
This is why the public support has not built for removal of President Trump.  Read more...

How migrants become victims of human trafficking
Feb 01, 2020 01:00 am
While human trafficking -- also known as modern-day slavery -- is widely discussed, it’s not widely understood.  Read more...

Wokeness run amok
Feb 01, 2020 01:00 am
The President’s coronavirus task force lacked the diversity requirements super-woke CNN espouses.  Read more...

Maybe they had it right back in 1968
Feb 01, 2020 01:00 am
How did we get to the point where candidates are running for over two years and networks are scheduling debates so far in advance?  Read more...

Post-Brexit Europe is sailing into a perfect storm
Feb 01, 2020 01:00 am
The European Union is going to be facing rough waters through three coming events.  Read more...

Finding meaning in Brexit
Feb 01, 2020 01:00 am
Independence Day comes for Great Britain at long last.  Read more...

Chief Justice John Roberts strikes out
Jan 31, 2020 01:00 am
Three strikes and you're out, Your Honor. 

California's nightmare is spreading nationally
Jan 31, 2020 01:00 am
Folks, it is pretty crazy out there in California.  Read more...
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