Friday, May 1, 2020

Illinois’s Dem Governor Called Out For Breaking His Own Lockdown To Fly Wife And Kids To Florida: “My Official Duties Have Nothing To Do With My Family”

Illinois’s Dem Governor Called Out For Breaking His Own Lockdown To Fly Wife And Kids To Florida: “My Official Duties Have Nothing To Do With My Family”


Uber wealthy Democrat Jay Pritzker has just had his “Let them eat cake” moment. He’s demanding that the citizens of Illinois stay in lockdown, but he sent his wife and kids to Florida.
One reporter called him out on it, and he said his “official duties have nothing to do” with his family. It’s another case of a politician using the “do as I say, not as I do” mentality. That’s not going to fly with people who are losing businesses and becoming desperately in need of income.
“In politics, it used to be we kept our families out of it. Yeah, my official duties have nothing to do with my family. So, I’m just not going to answer that question.”

Governor Pritzker Gets Angry

YouTube video courtesy of Rev Dr Eric A. Hansen
Is lockdown just for the Deplorables? It sure looks like it!

This article originally appeared at 100 Percent FED Up and was republished with permission.
*This article may not be reprinted without expressed permission.
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