Friday, May 1, 2020

Now you can LISTEN to the Jewish News! Brought to you every week by Jewish News, the UK’s most-read Jewish newspaper, The JN Podcast delivers the latest news and sharpest debates, celebrity guests culture and sport.

Now you can LISTEN to the Jewish News!
Brought to you every week by Jewish News, the UK’s most-read Jewish newspaper, The JN Podcast delivers the latest news and sharpest debates, celebrity guests culture and sport.

Our packed half-hour show is available to listen to and download every Friday at and via Jewish News Daily – our email newsletter sent to almost 20,000 subscribers every day.

Jewish News editor Richard Ferrer says: “The team and I look forward to bringing you the biggest news stories and in-depth debates and interviews with the leading names in our community."
This week we speak to Dr Jonathan Behar about life on the frontline of the virus battle at the Nightingale Hospital, the UK's Israel Ambassador Neil Wigan and City Editor of the Daily Mail Alex Brummer. Plus the newspaper review.

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