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June 30, 2020
Some signs of a backlash brewing
Over and over, I keep hearing from people totally fed up with the riots, anarchy, and selective destruction of history.
Over the last couple of days, I saw a couple of examples of what we will call the mother of all backlashes this November.
In Virginia, we saw a march in support of the police:
Hundreds of people marched in the streets of Manassas Saturday afternoon to show their support for law enforcement officers as police departments across the country come under unprecedented scrutiny in the wake of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Participants in the event, sponsored by the organization We Back Blue, gathered at Nelson Park and then marched down Grant Avenue to the Old Manassas Courthouse holding signs that read "We Support Our Law Enforcement," "No Police, No Peace," and "Law & Order."
In Oklahoma, some people learned that "The Sooner State" will enforce the law:
A district attorney in Oklahoma hit several protesters with charges of assault, rioting, and terrorism in connection to recent violent protests that took place in Oklahoma City.
My guess is that there are other examples that we have not heard about.
As someone said, we've reached a flash point. The American people will stand up for their country, and the left is in for a major shock in November.
As I told a local police officer, the public supports you and the fine work that you do.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.