Tuesday, June 30, 2020


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PNW Breaking News Updates
Social Media War On Christian Content - Worship Now Deemed 'Harmful'
Instagram is censoring a Christian worship leader who wants to post videos of praise and worship from places where there has recently been unrest. And that doesn't meet 'community standards'? Can't wait to hear the explanation for this.



I Am A Watchman - Interview With Founder Of Prophecy News Watch
If you have been wanting to learn more about the origins of Prophecy News Watch and how it came about as well as some commentary on what is happening in our world today - tune in.
The Culture Wars Come For The White Jesus Statues
What, exactly, did Jesus look like? Was he black? Brown? White? Red? Yellow? We know that he was a first-century, Galilean Jew. But, beyond that, no reliable description of his appearance has been left for us.
  book series
The End: The Book: The Series
The End-of-the-World Series everyone is talking about! "Like Left Behind On Steroids" - View Readers Comments Here

The Growing Use Of Social Credit Scores To Reward/Punish Citizens
The ever-increasing centralization of data is creating the push towards a scoring system by which governments will rate their populations. That score will determine your place in society from travel privileges to bank loans.
The Prophetic Mideast Wars DVD
Some of the important topics addressed in this timely PowerPoint presentation by Bible prophecy expert Bill Salus include:

- The biblical, historical, archaeological, geo-political and prophetic connections between America and the young lions of Tarshish in Ezekiel 38:13
- The timing and details, including the identities of the 15 participants, of Ezekiel 38
- How America loses its superpower status
- The prophecy of Elam in Jeremiah 49:34-39, which deals with a possible nuclear attack against Iran
- The destruction of Damascus by the Israeli Defense Forces in Isaiah 17 and Jer. 49:23-27
- The desolation of Amman, Jordan by the IDF as per Jeremiah 49:1-6 and the toppling and takeover of Jordan in Zephaniah 2:8-9
- How Jerusalem becomes a "Cup of Trembling"
- How the IDF becomes the fiery torch that devours the surrounding Arab states in Zechariah 12:6
- The Psalm 83 prophecy that ends the Arab-Israeli conflict
- The comparisons between Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38

Order your copy for only $15.95 plus shipping & handling.



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