Time to Expose the Fraud That Launched BLM

On Black Lives Matter's website, the organization's radical founders trace the creation of their movement "to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin's murderer, George Zimmerman."
Had those founders paid any attention to the trial, they would have known that Zimmerman should never have been charged with murder, let alone tried.  The fact that he was arrested can be attributed to a stunningly blatant fraud orchestrated by the attorney who has been prominently milking the racial divide he helped create, Benjamin Crump.
As it happens, the one person capable of exposing this fraud is George Zimmerman.  All Zimmerman needs is his own Atticus Finch, an attorney brave enough to resist the howling mob and stand up for the truth.
In the way of background, Zimmerman has filed a suit in the Circuit Court of Florida's Tenth Judicial Circuit.  The evidence is overwhelming that Trayvon Martin's support team, including Martin's parents and their attorney, Benjamin Crump, knowingly substituted an imposter witness for the real "phone witness" in order to secure Zimmerman's arrest for the 2012 shooting death of Martin.
Also named in the suit are the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE); the State of Florida; former state attorneys Bernie de la Rionda, John Guy, and Angela Corey, and HarperCollins, the publisher of Crump's defamatory book, Open Season: Legalized Genocide of Colored People.

In a 2012 deposition, the perjured testimony of the imposter in question, Rachel Jeantel, enabled the State of Florida to arrest Zimmerman and take him to trial.  Evidence strongly suggests that state attorneys knew that the witness was a fraud.
Zimmerman was inspired to launch the suit based on the dogged research done by Los Angeles filmmaker Joel Gilbert for his documentary film and book of the same name, The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided America.
Attorney Larry Klayman was brave enough to file the suit, but Zimmerman has parted ways with him and is now seeking a Florida attorney with a strong knowledge of state procedures to push the suit through to its conclusion.
The defendants effectively ruined Zimmerman's life on April 2, 2012, five weeks after the shooting.  On that fateful day, de la Rionda flew to Miami from Jacksonville to depose Brittany "Diamond" Eugene, the girl who was on the phone with Trayvon up to the moment of his death.
Trayvon's mother, Sybrina Fulton, had met with the real Diamond Eugene at least once before in mid-March.  Crump may have met with her as well.  He certainly coached her to follow his fraudulent script of a raging Zimmerman stalking and killing the scared little boy Trayvon Martin.  His phone interview with Diamond was recorded by ABC's Matt Gutman and broadcast.
On April 2, when Fulton drove with de la Rionda to Diamond's home, they were redirected to another address.  "I knocked on the door and asked for Diamond," Fulton said in a 2013 deposition.  According to the lawsuit, "[r]ather than Defendant Eugene coming to the door, Defendant Jeantel appeared and claimed that she was 'Diamond Eugene.'"
In The Trayvon Hoax, Gilbert did a brilliant job identifying and locating the real Diamond Eugene, a then-16-year-old Haitian-American hottie who stole Trayvon's heart.
State attorneys had full access to the steamy text exchanges between Diamond and Trayvon, many of which had photos attached.  Reads the suit, "Defendant Eugene could in no way be mistaken for Defendant Jeantel, who was 2 years older, 5 inches taller, and about 120 pounds heavier than Defendant Eugene."  While we are on the subject of height, little Trayvon was about half a foot taller than Zimmerman.
There is overwhelming evidence that Crump orchestrated the witness switch when the real Diamond refused to lie under oath.  Someone then recruited Diamond's mentally challenged half-sister, Jeantel, to pretend to be Diamond.
Of all those being sued, it is only Sybrina Fulton who provably knew that Jeantel was an imposter.  Fulton is running for commissioner in Miami-Dade County with Hillary Clinton's open support.
As Trayvon's mother, Fulton has emerged as something of an icon in national Democratic politics.  The media have done everything possible to protect not just Fulton, despite her obvious involvement, but the entire phony narrative.  The response of the Miami Herald to this scandal has been nothing short of disgraceful.   
Zimmerman remains impressively upbeat.  Although "disheartened to see Crump using the same playbook to divide the country," he has been encouraged by the response to the Trayvon Hoax film since Gilbert put it up for free on YouTube.
"My faith in humanity has been restored by reading the comments on Joel's movie," Zimmerman told me recently.  He particularly appreciates hearing from young people whose minds have been changed from watching the film.  Some sample responses:
I had thought Zimmerman was the man the media made him out to be. Thank god, you made an excellent documentary with much class & dignity. Thank you for showing up & balancing the real scales of justice. Wow.
20 min in and I'm mad as s---, and I'm black.
Wow, I am in complete shock! Thank you!
I'm black and I knew something was up. I couldn't find enough information on the case. This is amazing, thanks man, I've been trying to convince people it was self defense, they won't listen.
I thought I had made it to the peak of my disgust for the media's blatant lies, but this, this is a WHOLE new level!! This is BETRAYAL to a young black man traumatized by the fear-mongering pushed out as a result of this case, and indoctrinated at TWELVE YEARS OLD with the idea that I was being "hunted down everywhere I went" because of my race. BETRAYAL!!.
The last quote nails it. One brave attorney can help undo the racial madness into which much of this country has descended since the death of Trayvon Martin.  If interested, please contact gzattorneycontact@gmail.com.
@jackcashill's forthcoming book, Unmasking Obama, is available for pre-order at Amazon.
Image: Johnny Silvercloud via Flickr (cropped).