Vice President Mike Pence Slams Abortion: “All Lives Matter, Born and Unborn”
Vice President Mike Pence has spoken out in defense of unborn children. In an interview with CBS, the Vice President said: “As a pro-life American, I also believe that all life matters, born and unborn.”
During the interview with CBS, Mr Pence was discussing the violence caused as a result of the Black Lives Matter movement currently gripping America and the wider world.
When asked by news anchor, John Dickerson, if he would say ‘black lives matter’, Mr Pence replied:
“I really believe that all lives matter. And that’s where the heart of the American people lies… as a pro-life American, I also believe that all life matters, born and unborn.”
“No human was created to be degraded dehumanised or killed”
Vice President Mike Pence has an established pro-life reputation. During the 2019 March for Life, the US Vice President assured the crowd of the current American Administration’s opposition to abortion.
Commenting on Mr Pences’s pro-life remarks, SPUC Director of Communications, Michael Robinson said: “We commend the comments made by the Vice President and hope that his remarks can encourage and inspire other world leaders to take a stand and defend their most vulnerable citizens. From womb to tomb, the pro-life movement fights injustice, precisely because of our shared humanity.
“Mr Pence’s comments remind us that each individual life matters. Humans are unique, unrepeatable and have intrinsic worth and value. No human was created to be degraded, de-humanised or killed. All lives matter.”
Mr Robinson added: “The tragic death of George Floyd and for that matter racism, is an injustice. However, when we look at the organization, we can see that Black Lives Matter (BLM) does not include ALL black lives. As an organization BLM partners with institutions and politicians that advocate for abortion and other anti-family policies.”
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“Promoting the dignity of human life from conception to death”
In recent years, President Trump’s administration has stated that “promoting the dignity of human life from conception to natural death is a top priority.”
During 2019, the Trump administration cancelled a contract with a company that provided human fetal tissue from elective abortions for research, and earlier this year Mr Trump withdrew funding to the World Health Organization (WHO) after their pro-abortion response to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Addressing the crowds at the Washington 2020 March for Life, the President said: “We are here for a very simple reason to defend the right of every child born and unborn to fulfill their God-given potential.
“As President of the United States of America I am truly proud to stand with you. It is your generation that is making America the pro-family pro-life nation. The life movement is led by strong women, amazing faith leaders and brave students who carry on the legacy of pioneers before us who fought to raise the conscience of our nation and uphold the rights of our citizens.”