Monday, June 29, 2020

Red Heifer Update! (June, 2020/Tammuz 5780)

Red Heifer Update! (June, 2020/Tammuz 5780)

Premiered 111 minutes ago
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"HaShem spoke to Moshe and Aharon, saying: This is the statute of the Torah which HaShem commanded, saying, Speak to the children of Israel and have them take for you a perfectly red unblemished cow, upon which no yoke was laid."

Thus we are taught in Numbers 19 the laws of the red heifer, whose ashes when prepared properly by Temple priests can achieve for Israel the highest level of biblical purity attainable.

Equipped with the ashes of the red heifer the entire nation of Israel, men, women and children will be able to participate in the three pilgrimage festivals, and enter into the inner courtyards of the Holy Temple, fulfilling the Torah commandment to see and be seen by G-d three times a year, as we read in Deuteronomy 16:16:

"Three times in the year, every one of your males shall appear before HaShem, your G-d, in the place He will choose: on the Festival of Matzot and on the Festival of Weeks, and on the Festival of Sukkot, and he shall not appear before the HaShem empty-handed." Deut.

Five years ago the Temple Institute began its Raise a Red Heifer in Israel project. Just under two years ago we announced the birth of our first red heifer candidates, two perfectly red heifers, eligible for the historic role of being THE red heifer who returns to Israel, after 2000 years, the ability to achieve the highest level of Torah purity.

Since their birth, the rabbinic experts of the Temple Institute have been keeping a close watch on these heifers, for any non-red hair that a heifer sprouts, or any minor injury that the heifer sustains will disqualify it from being a kosher red heifer.

This past week, (June, 2020), we visited our two most advanced red heifers and filmed them. In the upcoming weeks they will receive another visit from the Temple Institute's experts for yet another close inspection. Should either or both of these red heifers remain eligible candidates, we will soon be ready to advance toward the stage of actually preparing the ashes.

From the footage we are looking at our two heifers seem perfectly red, but clearly they need to be cleaned up and properly inspected to truly determine their status.

How wonderful to imagine that these two innocent, unsuspecting creatures, could, in the very near future, advance Israel and the world to the next stage of the redemption and the building of the Holy Temple.


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