Friday, July 31, 2020

COVID-19 vaccine ‘magic bullet’ could be a ‘fairy tale’

COVID-19 vaccine ‘magic bullet’ could be a ‘fairy tale’

Jul 31, 2020
530K subscribers
An infectious diseases expert has criticised states and countries who are bunkering down and locking themselves away from COVID-19 – warning a vaccine “magic bullet” may never come or be ineffective if it does.

National University of Singapore Professor Dale Fisher told Sky News “every state or country that’s bunkering down and waiting for the magic bullet of the vaccine, I doubt that fairy tale is going happen.”

“A lot of people are going to refuse to take it.

“It may not be very effective; it probably won’t be fully effective.”

When asked about how Australia is fairing, Professor Fisher said NSW seemed to be managing COVID-19 the best by learning to live with the virus.

“I don’t really give any kudos to states that have shut their borders and that’s their way of dealing with this because there may never be a vaccine,” he said.

Image: News Corp Australia

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