All of us continue to feel the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. I know we’re all making a lot of adjustments right now. And I certainly don’t want to take much of your time. As difficult as the circumstances you’re facing may be, as Believers, we still need to reach beyond ourselves and help others who may be facing even greater needs.
So, with that said, I come to you with a need. Will you pray for our ministry as we work through the challenges the coronavirus pandemic has created? And will you also ask God to lead you concerning a financial gift at this time?
We are now months into battling this deadly virus. It is still capturing headlines worldwide. We all still face many unknowns as we try to move forward and return to whatever normal might look like.
And, in addition to the virus, the summer months can be a time when many nonprofit organizations experience a drop in giving. You can help make sure this will not be the case for Jewish Voice. And you can help us be prepared to meet critical needs for Jewish people and their neighbors around the world as society continues to open up.
We want to be ready to go full speed ahead as soon as we’re able — and to be doing everything we can in the meantime.
Working both directly and through partner agencies, Jewish Voice is providing struggling Israelis with urgently needed food and other humanitarian aid, such as clothing and household essentials.
Thank you for going before the Lord on our behalf. I want you to know we at Jewish Voice are praying for you as well. We know this has been a very difficult time.
Let me leave you with this encouragement from Romans 8:28:
“Now we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.”
This is great news for us! No matter our circumstances, God is in control and He is working all things for good. We can trust Him. And if you’re feeling discouraged — which is certainly understandable — cry out to Jesus in your time of need. He is faithful and full of love for you.
Thank you for your partnership, especially during this challenging time. If you are able to give today, I hope to hear from you soon.
To the Jew first and also to the Nations,
Jonathan Bernis
Jewish Voice Ministries International
P.S. Please give today so the ministry to Jewish people who are in need in Israel can move forward. Whatever amount you are led to give will help change lives — and share the Good News of Jesus!
And when you give, I’d like to send you a token of my appreciation — this new “I Stand with Israel” Keychain. One side displays the Israeli flag and the words “I stand with Israel,” while the reverse bears Scripture’s command to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6). No matter which side shows, you’ll testify to God’s heart for Israel, encouraging yourself and inspiring others. Thank you for caring about Jewish people and giving to make a difference in their lives!
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© Jewish Voice Ministries International
P.O. Box 81439, Phoenix, AZ 85069-1439
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