Friday, July 31, 2020

Eucharistic boat procession to take place on the Feast of the Assumption...

Eucharistic boat procession to take place on the Feast of the Assumption | SW NEWS | 140

Jul 31, 2020
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The Diocese of Lafayette in the U.S. state of Louisiana will celebrate its yearly waterborne Eucharistic procession next month with the specific intention of praying for an end to the COVID-19 pandemic. The annual Fête-Dieu du Teche sees the Blessed Sacrament carried aloft aboard a boat down a 38-mile stretch of the Bayou Teche waterway. Our Lord is accompanied by a flotilla of the clergy and lay faithful. The Eucharistic procession disembarks at various points along the route which goes from Leonville to St. Martinville in order to facilitate the praying of the Holy Rosary followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
Mexico’s Supreme Court rejects abortion decriminalization in Veracruz State
Mexico’s Supreme Court has rejected an attempt to decriminalize abortion in the south-eastern State of Veracruz. It was there last year that a local court ruled the state’s penal code should be amended to permit abortion in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and up to the day of birth in cases of rape. But that decision was declared unconstitutional on Wednesday by four of the Supreme Court's five justices. Pro-lifers in Mexico were swift to praise that decision. The actor Eduardo Verástegui tweeted, “Today reason won, today life won”. Meanwhile the Mexican Bishops’ Conference tweeted that a culture of life had triumphed in Mexico.
Pakistan’s “Mother of the Forgotten” nominated for national award
The Catholic nun known as Pakistan’s “Mother of the Forgotten” has been posthumously nominated for one of the country’s highest honors following her death from Coronavirus last week. 74-year-old Sister Ruth Lewis lived and worked all her life in the city of Karachi. It was there in 1969 that the Franciscan Missionary of Christ the King helped to found the Dar-Ul-Sukun or House of Peace, a home for around 150 mentally and physically disabled people, mostly children and teenagers. Sister Ruth sacrificed the remainder of her life for the young people of the House of Peace until her death last Monday. In the days since, the government of Sindh Province has nominated Sister Ruth for the country’s Sitara-i-Imtiaz or Star of Excellence.
Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life launches “The Elderly are Your Grandparents” campaign
The Vatican has launched a new campaign to reach out to the elderly. Entitled “The Elderly are Your Grandparents,” the initiative is the work of the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life. They say their aim is to inspire the younger generation to reach out to lonely, elderly people in their neighborhood. Last month Pope Francis used a Sunday Angelus address to express his concern for those elderly who are experiencing loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Date set for beatification of Knights of Columbus founder
The founder of the Knights of Columbus is to be declared blessed on October the 31st at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Hartford, Connecticut. The date and location for the beatification of Father Michael McGivney were announced by the Vatican’s Congregation for Saints' Causes last week. His beatification follows Vatican's approval of a miracle ascribed to his heavenly intercession involving the cure of an unborn baby in the United States from a life-threatening condition. Father McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus in 1882 in New Haven, Connecticut, upon the principles of charity, unity and fraternity.
Pope appreciates food supply initiative of Sem Terra Movement
Pope Francis has expressed his gratitude to a movement of landless workers in Brazil who have provided food to the needy during the present COVID-19 outbreak. The Sem Terra Movement claims to have distributed 2,500 tons of food to date during the pandemic.
Vandalized statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe restored
In the U.S. state of California, a vandalized public statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe has been restored. On the evening of July, the 21st, the statue in the city of Upland was attacked by an, as yet, unidentified young man. The violent incident was caught on the Parish of St Joseph’s security camera. A few hours later another young man found the damaged statue, lifted it off the ground and placed the Blessed Virgin Mary back on the pedestal. That was also caught on camera.

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