Thursday, October 29, 2020

Breaking News Updates - October 29, 2020.....Preparing For The National Meltdown No Matter Who Wins



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Breaking News Updates - October 29, 2020
Preparing For The National Meltdown No Matter Who Wins
With just a shot time left until Election Day, most Americans that really care about politics are pacified because they believe that a positive outcome is right around the corner. But soon that will change, and tens of millions of Americans will simultaneously melt down emotionally right in front of our eyes.

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China's President Urges Soldiers To Prepare For War - But Has It Already Begun?
It may surprise many readers that the Chinese President would be so bold as to suggest that war is on the horizon but China has been playing the long game and has been preparing to take the United States down for at least twenty years.
More Christian Facebook Pages Come Under Censorship For Biblical Worldview
Some of the complaints against Facebook involve subtle discrimination -- what shows up in someone's news feed for example. But this week, one Christian organization has suffered the Facebook equivalent of capital punishment, by having all of their content removed.
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Can Combined Christian-Jewish Vote Pack A Punch For Trump?
Is the Jewish vote a lost cause for U.S. President Donald Trump? Not if Jews and Christians are grouped in the same constituency, says New York real estate developer Ronald J. Edelstein, who has done business with the president and is working to build support for him ahead of Nov. 3.
The End-of-the-World Series everyone is talking about! Like Left Behind on steroids!
Follow Author J.L. Robb as he weaves a titillating tale of mystery and intrigue that Hollywood has tried but failed to produce, a story that will keep the reader on the edge of his seat, until The End. A thriller and love story, this seven novel series tells a story of what you might do if you found out the end really was near and there was nothing you could do to stop it. As the jihadists bring their Islamic Holy War to the Bible-Belt, a group of retired military and senior citizens begin to unravel the plot, a plot that may destroy mankind.


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