Friday, October 30, 2020

Joe Scarborough Wants Justice HILLARY CLINTON On The Supreme Court


Joe Scarborough Wants Justice HILLARY CLINTON On The Supreme Court

( Left-wing news anchor Joe Scarborough, who recently claimed that President Donald Trump wants to murder journalists, said on Tuesday that he hopes former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will become a Supreme Court Justice.

Scarborough tweeted in response to the House Judiciary GOP account, which wished Hillary Clinton a happy birthday and noted that Justice Amy Coney Barrett had been appointed on the same day.

Scarborough responded by saying it would be a great birthday gift for Clinton if, next year, she would become “one of the three new Supreme Court justices appointed through the Judiciary Reform Act of 2021.”

“Thanks for the idea, guys. Only your colleagues’ thuggish behavior made it possible,” he added, without providing any evidence that Republican legislators have engaged in thuggish behavior.

Scarborough appeared to be referencing a bill proposed by Democrats in Congress that calls for term limits for sitting Supreme Court justices. It would require judges to retire from their lifetime appointment after 18 years, to speed up the time it takes for Democrats to have a shot at appointing new judges.

The comments also come as Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden still refuses to answer whether or not he plans on packing he court, even though most people already know that seems to be his plan.

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett was officially confirmed by the Senate and sworn in by Justice Clarence Thomas on Hillary Clinton’s birthday. On the same day, Clinton said that it was her birthday wish that people would reach out to one person in their life and encourage them to vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

By the way, that comment about Joe Scarborough saying Trump wants to murder journalists…it’s not hyperbole. He really said it.

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