Kamala Harris Exposed as Far-Left Radical, Struggles to Respond
Democratic vice presidential nominee Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) struggled to respond during a “60 Minutes” interview that aired on Sunday. CBS News host Norah O’Donnell confronted Harris over the fact that she has been rated as the most far-left member of the U.S. Senate.
“You’re very different in the policies that you’ve supported in the past,” O’Donnell said. “You’re considered the most liberal United States senator.”
“Yeah. Well, actually, the non-partisan GovTrack has rated you as the most liberal senator,” O’Donnell responded. “You supported the Green New Deal; you supported Medicare for All; you’ve supported legalizing marijuana. Joe Biden doesn’t support those things.”“I—somebody said that and it actually was Mike Pence on the debate stage,” Harris said as she laughed.
When asked if she would bring advice to a potential President Joe Biden from a socialist or progressive perspective, Harris spoke about her various life experiences.
Here is the interview transcript:
NORAH O’DONNELL, CBS HOST: You’re very different in the policies that you’ve supported in the past. You’re considered the most liberal United States senator.
KAMALA HARRIS, DEMOCRATIC VICE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: I—somebody said that and it actually was Mike Pence on the debate stage. (Laugh) But—
O’DONNELL,: Yeah. Well, actually, the nonpartisan GovTrack has rated you as the most liberal senator. You supported the Green New Deal; you supported Medicare for All; you’ve supported legalizing marijuana. Joe Biden doesn’t support those things. So are you gonna bring the policies, those progressive policies that you supported as senator, into a Biden administration?
HARRIS: What I will do, and I promise you this, and this is what Joe wants me to do, this was part of our deal, I will always share with him my lived experience as it relates to any issue that we confront. And I promised Joe that I will give him that perspective and always be honest with him.
O’DONNELL: And is that a socialist or progressive perspective?
HARRIS: (Laugh) No. No. It is the perspective of a woman who grew up a black child in America, who was also a prosecutor, who also has a mother who arrived here at the age of 19 from India. Who also, you know, likes hip hop. (Laugh) Like, what do you want to know? (Laugh)
O’DONNELL: Well, I want to give you the opportunity to address this because at the Republican National Convention, President Trump made the case that Joe Biden is gonna be nothing more than a Trojan horse for socialist policies, for the left wing of the Democratic Party. Are you going to push those policies when you’re vice president of the United States?
HARRIS: I am not gonna be confined to Donald Trump’s definition of who I or anybody else is. And I think America has learned that that would be a mistake.
O’DONNELL: So just to button that up, because you have fought for Medicare for All. That’s not something that Joe Biden supports. If you become vice president, would you say to a president Biden, “You know what? Let’s—we should really be pushing for Medicare for All, not a public option. That’s just not gonna do it. That’s not my value”?
HARRIS: I would not have joined the ticket if I didn’t support what Joe was proposing. And so our plan includes expanding on everything that Joe together with President Obama created with the Affordable Care Act. By contrast, you have Donald Trump, who’s in court right now trying to get rid of a policy that brought health care to over 20 million people, including protecting people with preexisting conditions. And he’s doing it in the middle of a pandemic that has killed over 215,000 Americans.
William Ray Schonauer
October 27, 2020 at 11:55 amI fail to understand why no one confronts Harris when she calls herself a Black woman. Her mother is from India, her father from Jamacia!!!!! Just like Eliz Warren being part American Indian and getting away with it.
October 27, 2020 at 12:03 pmIf Biden/Harris gets in MY AMERICA & lifestyle will be unrecognizable & forever changed… very sad thinking that but reality check! You don’t HAVE to love Trump but recognize his LOVE OF COUNTRY, & sacrifices to procure a better life for ALL its citizens. God Bless President Trump & God Bless America.
October 27, 2020 at 12:24 pmThe only person Harris cares about is Harris. Just look at her history. And since history is a good predictor of the future, if Biden wins, then, when Harris takes over from Biden when he becomes incapacitated, you’ll know what a Harris presidency we be like.
October 27, 2020 at 12:44 pmHarris was embarrassing. She tries so hard to be hip and laughs at inappropriate moments. You know what is laughable that she says she wouldn’t have joined the ticket if she didn’t support Joe. In the debate when she ran for VP, didn’t she infer/call him a racist? She has no pride, just blind ambition. Funny how in her book she never once mentions Willie Brown who she slept with while he was married, and he elevated her to high positions (literally & figuritavely)! Where would she be now if she hadn’t?
October 27, 2020 at 2:08 pmPresident Trump is working on a health care program to keep preexisting conditions.
It is in the works. Too bad some people throw up these negative barbs.
Ms. Harris did promote Medicare-for-all during the campaigns. Maybe she forgot.
Or when faced with the question, backs off and changes the subject. A real red blood
October 27, 2020 at 5:03 pmK H seems to post her quick tales as fast as tho she prepared for these questions…. There is no question that she will be the voice of the administration should JB and she pull it off
October 27, 2020 at 5:35 pmKamala is just an air headed tramp.
October 27, 2020 at 11:01 pmKamala,,,,Kamala Kamala we true Americans don’t buy that…we know and I have known for a long time ,if and if is a big word the demo rat plan is drop old Joe and put you in as president. What a shame for women and a shame for all mankind . . This country needs a God believing person and that leaves you out.
October 28, 2020 at 8:55 amSometimes it’s hard to say who is right but if both parties would come together and stop all this BS and think about we the people then this country could be the greatest nation in the world! I believe in health care for all! I believe if you talk care of Gods children they will be better adults! It’s time we grow as a nation and stand as one nation under God!