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BIDEN VS. CHILDREN NEWS: CAMPAIGN 2020, US Bradley Eli, M.Div., Ma.Th. • • October 29, 2020 26 Comments Gay parenting harms kids



NEWS: CAMPAIGN 2020US NEWSPrint Friendly and PDF
by Bradley Eli, M.Div., Ma.Th.  •  •  October 29, 2020    26 Comments

Gay parenting harms kids

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DETROIT ( - Joe Biden is intending to keep many foster children from ever having a mother and a father by forcing adoption agencies to place them with homosexual couples.

Biden's official campaign website is taking aim at President Trump's protection of faith-based adoption agencies, which allows them to place a child only in a godly home with a mother and a father.

The site notes, "In November 2019, the Trump-Pence Administration proposed a rule that will permit adoption and foster care agencies that discriminate against LGBTQ+ families to receive government funding."

If Biden becomes president, however, he intends to demolish Trump's protections for faith-based agencies entrusted with the care of children:

As President, Biden will repeal the rule, if implemented, and work to ensure that qualified families are not discriminated against based on sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, sex, marital status, disability, or religion; and that child welfare agencies put the interests of children first, including those who are LGBTQ+.

The site also notes that in 2012, Biden took the lead in advocating for gay marriage, which allows homosexuals couples to adopt children.

Biden presided over a same-sex "wedding"

"On May 6, 2012, in a historic interview on Meet the Press, Biden became the highest-ranking elected U.S. official to support marriage equality," says the campaign.

It adds, "Along with the freedom to marry comes the freedom to build a family. Biden believes that LGBTQ+ people and same-sex couples should be able to build and protect their families."

Biden vs. Trump on Child Welfare

Biden's site correctly notes that Trump is safeguarding the right of faith-based adoption and foster care agencies to not place children with same-sex couples.  

At Washington's National Day of Prayer in May 2019, Trump promised, "My administration will preserve the central role of faith-based adoption and foster care agencies to care for vulnerable children while following their deeply held beliefs."

The president made good on this promise by having his Health and Human Services agency issue a new rule in November that garnered for him rare praise from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

"We commend the Administration for acting to change a 2016 regulation that threatened to shut out faith-based social service providers, namely adoption and foster care agencies that respect a child's right to a mother and a father," lauded the USCCB.

Biden became the highest-ranking elected U.S. official to support marriage equality.Tweet

The bishops' statement added, "At a time when over 400,000 children are in foster care, we need to take steps to increase — not decrease — their opportunities to be placed with safe and loving families."

LGBTQ Parenting Harms Children

But Biden's stance that LGBTQ parenting is good for children is demonstrably false. Apart from it being immoral according to Catholic teaching, statistics show same-sex parenting psychologically harms children.

Sociologist and Catholic priest Fr. Paul Sullins, Ph.D., has researched the issue extensively and is raising red flags. 

"Allowing children to be adopted by persons living in such unions would actually mean doing violence to these children," said Sullins at a conference in 2013.

Statistics show same-sex parenting psychologically harms children.Tweet

Based on data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's National Health Interview Survey of U.S. children from 1997 to 2013, Sullins concluded that children raised by same-sex couples reported nearly twice the number of emotional problems as children raised in a heterosexual environment.

A study by Sullins for Catholic University of America found that among children reared by same-sex parents:

  • 18 percent were depressed
  • 51 percent of these same people became depressed by age 28
  • 44 percent were suicidal, three times higher than those raised by straight parents
  • 93 percent felt distant from parents growing up
  • 73 percent of these same people felt distant from their parents as adults
Research shows children suffer long-term from gay parenting

Similarly, research by the New Family Structures Study, which surveyed 3,000 adults raised by same-sex couples, revealed these people suffered from:

  • Poor educational attainment
  • Low levels of happiness, as well as mental and physical health
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Depression
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Unemployment
  • Substance abuse
  • Criminal activity
  • Remaining unmarried or experiencing infidelity if married

Based on such findings, it appears that Trump's backing of faith-based agencies to reject same-sex parenting isn't simply a matter of religious rights but more about protecting the welfare of children. Former vice president Biden, however, seems oblivious to such facts. While in the White House in 2016, he went so far as to officiate a gay wedding.  

The vice president was an outspoken proponent of gay marriage during the 2012 presidential campaign. He actually announced his support of same-sex marriage even before Barack Obama.

While on Meet the Press in 2012, Biden declared"I am absolutely comfortable with the fact that men marrying men, women marrying women and heterosexual men marrying women are entitled to the same exact rights — all the civil rights, all the civil liberties."


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