Sunday, November 29, 2020

Biden's biblical ‘slip-up’ points to how little religion will inform his...

Biden's biblical ‘slip-up’ points to how little religion will inform his decisions

Nov 28, 2020
1.02M subscribers
Sky News host James Morrow says a “small, hilarious slip-up” from President-elect Joe Biden where he pronounced 'Psalms' - a book in the Bible - as 'Palms,' can be used to make several serious points about the nature of his administration. Mr Morrow said it reveals that “for all Joe Biden's claim to the mantle of religion, he is something of a false teacher”. He pointed out Mr Biden’s unfamiliarity with basic scripture coupled with the media’s attempt to fawn over his faith were a good indication of how little religion was likely to impact a Biden administration. “Do you really think there's a chance The Guardian, among other outlets, would be promoting Biden's religiousity as a good thing if they thought for a second he might actually believe it, or let it inform his views on everything from abortion to modern liberalism's unending assault on the family?” Mr Morrow said Mr Biden’s mistake also revealed he was “as dopey as ever”.

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