Biden gets 4th shot, announces new COVID website UK spy says Russians "accidentally" shot down their own jet Poll: Guess who is the most unpopular American politician? Hillary Clinton, DNC fined over fraudulent Trump Dossier
The First take: Second booster, 4th shot overall and a new website...wait, a website to find where we can get masks and tests and shots...just two years into this? Rea;;y?
The First take: This is the latest indication that the Russian military may be as tired of the war in Ukraine as President Zelensky. In addition to the British spy report, Putin's general and advisors may lying to him...see the Bonus story below.
The First take: We're not even going to give you a hint. (Of course, if this were an MSNBC poll, the answer would be Trump. But, it's not from MSNBC.) Make your guess, then click the link and see who "won."
The First take: While we welcome this development, we all hear Hillary's famous line, "What difference at this point does it make?" It does make a difference. A big difference.