Christian leader talks faith

Michael Voris sits down with conservative radio host, pastor and broadcaster Jesse Lee Peterson to ask why he hasn’t converted to Catholicism from Protestantism.
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Simon Rafe Mod • 4 hours ago A reminder to everyone; the terms and conditions for commenting specifically state that comments are to be about the content presented (not general discussion) and (most germane to this) need to be based on having watched the whole presentation. Comments that begin "I didn't watch it all but..." will just get deleted.
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RAD • a minute ago When I read the title of this interview, I was misled to think that Mr. Peterson was someone who was furthering Catholic thought albeit not a Catholic. I am now convinced that he is just another Protestant who is in the process of establishing another denomination - the peterson church. Like many other Protestants, he has taken up the view that what he has read in one of the many distorted bibles, which are basically convoluted reinterpretations of other people's interpretations over and over again, is fodder for his own interpretation. Not impressed.
StBridget • 17 minutes ago + Bullseye explanation on the saints....and all the rest! Also, the translation from Greek to English is difficult to find the appropriate words. Such as 'pray' doesn't mean we pray to , but pray meant 'ask.
He also doesn't seem to hear Michael and is stuck in his own beliefs. Jesus DID rise from the dead body and soul, proven thorough scripture and private revelation. Heck, it is the ONLY religion that someone rose from the dead. ONLY God can do that! Where does he get that ALL women are evil, seriously....? I know godly women who live with 'challenging' men. Jesse seems more than just a little chauvinistic, and some ideas seem less than Christian. Let us pray for Jesse.
Chevy II • an hour ago So many great comments below. To be honest, I never heard of Jesse before this interview and am not sure how/if he was vetted for his "Christian" beliefs before this interview. A better interview would be an "intelligent" discussion of the Christian faith and the fullness of Catholicism with Michael Voris and Charlie Kirk or Andrew Torba as I believe they would be a lot closer to accepting Catholic teaching than Jesse. I think another interview with Jesse, as Michael suggested at the end of this interview, would be a waste of time and resources. Where valuable time and resources are limited, one needs to employ the practice of triage and establish criteria to determine the priority of who should be attended to first, and those to be treated last.Thus an interview with Charlie Kirk or Andrew Torba would be way more interesting and more appropriate.
Eric P Chevy II • 21 minutes ago I agree. Jesse did not give Mike time to respond in depth. Jesse told Mike that Mike's mom was perpetually trying to undermine his dad. Jesse used the time to preach his contorted theology meaning Catholic discussion was forced out. Jesse stated we especially need more white babies (after Mike said we need more babies in general). Topped off with Jesse stating Jesus is not God (which i expected him to say towards the end). Imo something is very off about this man. Am i the only one who thought it wacky as to his reason for wanting July to be white history month? "Because it feels white"...yea imo the man is off. CM pls know just because a person is politically conservative and shunned by the left doesn't automatically mean they are your ilk. Mike was so red and if u ask me, I think he took Mike's grateful disposition for granted. I dontvthink he is a good guest to have on again but if Mike wants to personally engage with him then ofc do so
Saihearts • 3 hours ago Wow…..I listened all the way through. The part I felt kind of bad for Jesse about was when he was able to get what he believed about the body out and asked Michael if he believed that and Michael said “no” he looked so sad and confused…poor man he really has been duped by the evil he claims he clearly sees! I will pray for these knots to be untangled by Our Lady. His view of woman too was so sad..
AcceptingReality • 4 hours ago • edited The buried lead in this interview eventually came out. That is that Mr. Peterson does not believe that Jesus is God and he doesn't believe in the bodily Resurrection of Christ. All of his other departures from the truth flow from that.
Simon Rafe Mod • 4 hours agoFeatured by Church Militant A reminder to everyone; the terms and conditions for commenting specifically state that comments are to be about the content presented (not general discussion) and (most germane to this) need to be based on having watched the whole presentation. Comments that begin "I didn't watch it all but..." will just get deleted.
SanSan Simon Rafe • an hour ago Hi Simon, I have been wondering for a while where Simon was. Have missed you.
Michelle Campbell • 10 hours ago • edited Wow! That was some interview. But l do take issue with Jesse's view of the roles of man and woman, husband and wife.
Jesse's view appears dour and abysmal, very disconcerting.
His take on the BLM women leaders re: scammers, Patrice Coullers and the others was entertaining.
Looking forward to the next 'bout of the minds'. 🙏✝️🙏
Boy Michael, hope you enjoyed a delightful adult beverage after this along with Jesse.
dont tread on moths • 11 hours ago • edited Before Adam and Eve...God already knew the outcome. How little is his God? Free will needed the element of good and evil to exist. All good as in heaven doesnt need free will but God's children here on earth grew and processed the learning through our bodies and souls. God's love keeps it all together for us to build on and with the anti-bodies to protect and heal us and others. A supernatural faith is so much more than the easy way out of sin by blaming it all on the women. The immaculate conception was after Mary said yes to an Angel from God. Jesus asked us to remember him in our hearts and minds and bodies.
Eric P • 12 hours ago Aside of our political agreements, I have never found Jessie interesting and always felt that his positions are half-baked at least when communicating them. The intention for the interview is good but Jessie clearly used his time to preach to Michael and his audience. He did not allow substantial time for Michael to go in depth on anything. Likely because Jessie's intention was different
Rex Simon Rafe • 3 hours ago Isn't there something regarding no abstinence from meat if a solemnity falls on a Friday? I recall you saying something about it on a Dowload where you implied you were going to attack Holy Mackerel.
Jack • 13 hours ago • edited I know why Jessie isn't Catholic; the last answer he gave. It sure shed some light on sooo many of his misguided beliefs. We definitely have our work cut out for us with this one. He claims to not know much about Judaism and Islam, yet the core of his belief is in alignment with both. I wonder why his first question wasn't, "Why do Catholics believe Jesus is God?"
Michelle Campbell Jack • 12 hours ago There you go! Exactly. "Why do Catholics believe Jesus is God?"
Because Prophets of the Old Testament pointed to Him hundreds of years earlier and were martyred for their Testaments like Isaiah.
Jesus Himself pointed out THE GREATEST PROPHET...and that man He said
was St John the Baptist. Who was John, his cousin pointing to? Jesus.
I don't know why Jesse doesn't get what Holy Scripture proclaims.
Twice, Our Father in Heaven has said, "This is my Beloved Son in whom l Am
well pleased, hear ye Him." At Christ's baptism at the river Jordan and at the
Mount of Transfiguration in front of Peter, James & John.
That's also what Faith and Hope teaches us. The Father raised Jesus from the dead. Hope in the Resurrection with Lazarus, the widow of Nain's son and
the daughter of Jairus are potent reminders of God's love, mercy and promise that this was NOT how we were to be forever.
We are immortal beings. The Fall of our first parents and our present state is
temporary. God is good. Jesus is His Beloved Son pointing out that we be 'perfect even as Your Father in heaven is perfect'. 🙏✝️🙏⛅
Simon Rafe Mod • 4 hours ago A reminder to everyone; the terms and conditions for commenting specifically state that comments are to be about the content presented (not general discussion) and (most germane to this) need to be based on having watched the whole presentation. Comments that begin "I didn't watch it all but..." will just get deleted.
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RAD • a minute ago When I read the title of this interview, I was misled to think that Mr. Peterson was someone who was furthering Catholic thought albeit not a Catholic. I am now convinced that he is just another Protestant who is in the process of establishing another denomination - the peterson church. Like many other Protestants, he has taken up the view that what he has read in one of the many distorted bibles, which are basically convoluted reinterpretations of other people's interpretations over and over again, is fodder for his own interpretation. Not impressed.
StBridget • 17 minutes ago + Bullseye explanation on the saints....and all the rest! Also, the translation from Greek to English is difficult to find the appropriate words. Such as 'pray' doesn't mean we pray to , but pray meant 'ask.
He also doesn't seem to hear Michael and is stuck in his own beliefs. Jesus DID rise from the dead body and soul, proven thorough scripture and private revelation. Heck, it is the ONLY religion that someone rose from the dead. ONLY God can do that! Where does he get that ALL women are evil, seriously....? I know godly women who live with 'challenging' men. Jesse seems more than just a little chauvinistic, and some ideas seem less than Christian. Let us pray for Jesse.Chevy II • an hour ago So many great comments below. To be honest, I never heard of Jesse before this interview and am not sure how/if he was vetted for his "Christian" beliefs before this interview. A better interview would be an "intelligent" discussion of the Christian faith and the fullness of Catholicism with Michael Voris and Charlie Kirk or Andrew Torba as I believe they would be a lot closer to accepting Catholic teaching than Jesse. I think another interview with Jesse, as Michael suggested at the end of this interview, would be a waste of time and resources. Where valuable time and resources are limited, one needs to employ the practice of triage and establish criteria to determine the priority of who should be attended to first, and those to be treated last.Thus an interview with Charlie Kirk or Andrew Torba would be way more interesting and more appropriate.
Eric P Chevy II • 21 minutes ago I agree. Jesse did not give Mike time to respond in depth. Jesse told Mike that Mike's mom was perpetually trying to undermine his dad. Jesse used the time to preach his contorted theology meaning Catholic discussion was forced out. Jesse stated we especially need more white babies (after Mike said we need more babies in general). Topped off with Jesse stating Jesus is not God (which i expected him to say towards the end). Imo something is very off about this man. Am i the only one who thought it wacky as to his reason for wanting July to be white history month? "Because it feels white"...yea imo the man is off. CM pls know just because a person is politically conservative and shunned by the left doesn't automatically mean they are your ilk. Mike was so red and if u ask me, I think he took Mike's grateful disposition for granted. I dontvthink he is a good guest to have on again but if Mike wants to personally engage with him then ofc do so
Saihearts • 3 hours ago Wow…..I listened all the way through. The part I felt kind of bad for Jesse about was when he was able to get what he believed about the body out and asked Michael if he believed that and Michael said “no” he looked so sad and confused…poor man he really has been duped by the evil he claims he clearly sees! I will pray for these knots to be untangled by Our Lady. His view of woman too was so sad..
AcceptingReality • 4 hours ago • edited The buried lead in this interview eventually came out. That is that Mr. Peterson does not believe that Jesus is God and he doesn't believe in the bodily Resurrection of Christ. All of his other departures from the truth flow from that.
Simon Rafe Mod • 4 hours agoFeatured by Church Militant A reminder to everyone; the terms and conditions for commenting specifically state that comments are to be about the content presented (not general discussion) and (most germane to this) need to be based on having watched the whole presentation. Comments that begin "I didn't watch it all but..." will just get deleted.
SanSan Simon Rafe • an hour ago Hi Simon, I have been wondering for a while where Simon was. Have missed you.
Michelle Campbell • 10 hours ago • edited Wow! That was some interview. But l do take issue with Jesse's view of the roles of man and woman, husband and wife.
Jesse's view appears dour and abysmal, very disconcerting.
His take on the BLM women leaders re: scammers, Patrice Coullers and the others was entertaining.
Looking forward to the next 'bout of the minds'. 🙏✝️🙏
Boy Michael, hope you enjoyed a delightful adult beverage after this along with Jesse.dont tread on moths • 11 hours ago • edited Before Adam and Eve...God already knew the outcome. How little is his God? Free will needed the element of good and evil to exist. All good as in heaven doesnt need free will but God's children here on earth grew and processed the learning through our bodies and souls. God's love keeps it all together for us to build on and with the anti-bodies to protect and heal us and others. A supernatural faith is so much more than the easy way out of sin by blaming it all on the women. The immaculate conception was after Mary said yes to an Angel from God. Jesus asked us to remember him in our hearts and minds and bodies.
Eric P • 12 hours ago Aside of our political agreements, I have never found Jessie interesting and always felt that his positions are half-baked at least when communicating them. The intention for the interview is good but Jessie clearly used his time to preach to Michael and his audience. He did not allow substantial time for Michael to go in depth on anything. Likely because Jessie's intention was different
Rex Simon Rafe • 3 hours ago Isn't there something regarding no abstinence from meat if a solemnity falls on a Friday? I recall you saying something about it on a Dowload where you implied you were going to attack Holy Mackerel.
Jack • 13 hours ago • edited I know why Jessie isn't Catholic; the last answer he gave. It sure shed some light on sooo many of his misguided beliefs. We definitely have our work cut out for us with this one. He claims to not know much about Judaism and Islam, yet the core of his belief is in alignment with both. I wonder why his first question wasn't, "Why do Catholics believe Jesus is God?"
Michelle Campbell Jack • 12 hours ago There you go! Exactly. "Why do Catholics believe Jesus is God?"
Because Prophets of the Old Testament pointed to Him hundreds of years earlier and were martyred for their Testaments like Isaiah.
Jesus Himself pointed out THE GREATEST PROPHET...and that man He said
was St John the Baptist. Who was John, his cousin pointing to? Jesus.
I don't know why Jesse doesn't get what Holy Scripture proclaims.
Twice, Our Father in Heaven has said, "This is my Beloved Son in whom l Am
well pleased, hear ye Him." At Christ's baptism at the river Jordan and at the
Mount of Transfiguration in front of Peter, James & John.
That's also what Faith and Hope teaches us. The Father raised Jesus from the dead. Hope in the Resurrection with Lazarus, the widow of Nain's son and
the daughter of Jairus are potent reminders of God's love, mercy and promise that this was NOT how we were to be forever.
We are immortal beings. The Fall of our first parents and our present state is
temporary. God is good. Jesus is His Beloved Son pointing out that we be 'perfect even as Your Father in heaven is perfect'. 🙏✝️🙏⛅