New bishop dodges important questions

Peoria's new bishop speaks a lot but seems to say very little. In a recent interview with NPR-affiliate WCBU, His Excellency took questions on Holy Communion for so-called transgender people and on ministering to so-called LGBTQ Catholics.
Church Militant's William Mahoney unravels some key takeaways from the interview.
Bp. Louis Tylka: "People ask, 'When did you decide to be a priest?' And my answer to that question is always, 'This morning.'"
Bishop Louis Tylka assumed his new role as Peoria's local ordinary on March 3. On March 14, he spoke with WCBU's Hannah Alani about his new position. Alani pointed out two relatively recent examples in which she sees American bishops taking on an increasingly political role.
Her first example — the Marquette diocese advising priests to withhold the Eucharist from so-called transgender Catholics. Alani's second example — the New Orleans archdiocese discouraging the Johnson & Johnson jab for its connection to abortion.
Hannah Alani, reporter, WCBU: "Where do you see the role of the American bishop?"
Bp. Tylka: "We live in a world that has become increasingly more polarized. ... I don't think it's my role as a bishop to run around and judge."
Tylka added a couple hundred more words on inviting people, having debates to know where the Lord is calling everybody and growing together in the hopes of being united.
He failed to address Alani's recent examples of barring from Holy Communion so-called transgender Catholics and discouraging the abortion-tainted jab.
Alani: "Is your door opened to LGBT Catholics?"
Bp. Tylka: "Absolutely. Absolutely. My door is open to anyone who wants to seek the Lord with a sincere heart."
By saying essentially nothing on the immutable teachings of the Church, especially regarding the role of bishops to teach, govern and sanctify, Tylka speaks volumes on what Catholics in Peoria can expect under his leadership.
Tylka was ordained a priest for Chicago in 1996 by Cdl. Joseph Bernardin. He was made a bishop in 2020 by Cdl. Blase Cupich, the principal consecrator.