Wednesday, March 30, 2022

MORE BABY BUTCHERING UNCOVERED NEWS: VIDEO Paul Murano • • March 30, 2022 1 Comment Barbarity in the nation's universities



by Paul Murano  •  •  March 30, 2022    1 Comment

Barbarity in the nation's universities

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A grim discovery came to light at another American university, this time in the state of Washington. In tonight's In-Depth Report, Church Militant's Paul Murano exposes the latest Frankensteinian activity in our Culture of Death.

Spokesman for Pro-Life San Francisco: "Hello everybody, and welcome to the Pro-Life San Francisco 'Walk for Life' meetup!"

A group of pro-life organizations made a gruesome finding earlier this month at the University of Washington. In a walk-in freezer at their school of medicine, there were countless rows of dead aborted babies and their body parts stuffed in boxes and paper bags. This heinous discovery came as several pro-life groups gained access to the freezer after confronting university officials.

This isn't the only American university practicing this kind of unspeakable evil.

David Daleiden, founder, The Center for Medical Progress: "Pitt was trying to become, and apparently did become, a national distribution hub for the kidneys of aborted babies up to five and six months old."

The University of Pittsburgh has received millions of dollars from the National Institutes of Health for its own fetal tissue experiments.

Terrisa Bukovinac, president, Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising: "There are over 120 fetal-tissue research projects active — actively funded by the National Institutes of Health."

Terrisa Bukovinac, president of Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising, explained what must happen to get these body parts.

Bukovinac: "It requires either a fully live dismemberment of viable late-term fetuses to supply on a monthly basis, or it requires a medical induction — which, according to the pro-choice society of family planning, produces born-alive infants up to half of the time."

After calling out fake-Catholic politicians who support abortion, Bukovinac, a self-proclaimed agnostic, took aim at the Catholic bishops.

Bukovinac: "I am begging you bishops to do something — because I have put my reputation on the line for the unborn. When will you?"

The United States kills over a million innocents each year in the nation's abortion mills. Ten times that number are killed through chemical and IUD abortions. And millions of others are either killed or held in suspended animation in freezers due to the in-vitro fertilization process.

In the meantime, high-profile sodomites are lauded by the media for using IVF — manufacturing children while killing their siblings. And even so-called conservatives congratulate them.

Meghan McCain, conservative personality: "The internet will never let me forget it."

Desecrating the image of God for the sake of power and pleasure is the modus operandi of the atheist Left.

Abp. Timothy Dolan: "Every life matters. Your life matters."

This latest scandal at the University of Washington illustrates — once more — how uncivilized this country has become.

In addition to all this, more blue states are legalizing baby murder during and after pregnancy — a preemptive move in case the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade. Last week, Colorado became the latest state to legally enshrine child murder.


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