Sunday, October 30, 2022

Florida Bans Sterilization, Castration, Mutilation of ‘Transgender’ Children Who could have imagined that such bans would ever be required in America? The horrors of the Democrat rule. Florida Bans Sterilization, Mutilation of ‘Transgender’ Children By: Breitbart News, October 29, 2022: The Florida Board of ...



Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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TRAITOR Karl Rove’s Rove’s PAC Boosts Democrat Shapiro in Pennsylvania over Republican

RINO Republicans are sabotaging Trump endorsed candidates. Most especially Doug Mastriano, Blake Masters, Kelly Tshibaka, and Donald Bolduc. Doug Mastriano can win Pennsylvania's gubernatorial race, but his campaign has not been getting financial ...

Jihad Rep.Rashida Tlaib: Terrorist-Affiliated Charities ‘Inspire Me Every Single Day’

The “charities” that Tlaib is referring to have ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). A Nazi inspired terrorist organization that murders Jewish Israelis. No backlash from the mainstream media, Hollywood, or ...

Watch For These 5 Red Flags In Pennsylvania’s Elections This Year

With the 2022 midterms fast approaching, Democrats in states like Pennsylvania are trying the same tactics they used to steal 2020.

Watch For These 5 Red Flags In Pennsylvania’s Elections This Year

By: Victoria Marshall, The Federalist, ...

DEMOCRAT LOSE: Federal Judge Rules That Watching Drop Boxes For Voter Fraud Is Protected Under The First Amendment After Democrats Sue

Democrats suing so you can't even look at what goes on at ballot boxes. They lost…


Maricopa County Elections Center DropBox Concealed With Tarp – Heavily Armed Maricopa County Sheriff’s Deputies Assigned To Watch Dropboxes ...

Whistleblower: FBI Election-Meddles Again, Targeting Info Democrats Don’t Like Under ‘Election Crimes’

An FBI whistleblower alleged in a leaked document that the FBI lists “misinformation” as a potential “election crime.”

Under Democrat rule, election theft is not a crime, exposing it is. Under Democrat rule, stealing a Presidential ...

WINNING: WISCONSIN GOP Triumphs In Election Integrity Ruling Over MAIL-IN BALLOT Battle

Democrat election rigging just got a little more difficult in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin judge refuses to allow mail-in ballots with partial addresses to be counted in win for GOP

The judge said changing the requirements would “upend the ...

Police Dispatch Audio: Paul Pelosi When Calling Cops Said ‘He Doesn’t Know Who the Male Is but He Advised that His Name Is David and He Is a Friend’

His alleged attacker is a far leftist, hemp-loving nudist from Berkley. Reporters told not to mention that. Uh huh.

They're trying to tell you that a Berkeley based nudist activist who has three children with a Russian homelessness advocate is ...

Florida Bans Sterilization, Castration, Mutilation of ‘Transgender’ Children

Who could have imagined that such bans would ever be required in America? The horrors of the Democrat rule.

Florida Bans Sterilization, Mutilation of ‘Transgender’ Children

By: Breitbart News, October 29, 2022:

The Florida Board of ...

Florida Gov. DeSantis to Campaign With Zeldin in New York Today

The army of the good on the march. Freedom's General Patton to the front….

If you are in the area, GO!

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will campaign for Rep. Lee Zeldin's New York gubernatorial campaign Saturday on Long Island. ...

Donald Trump Rally Schedule as Blitz of MAGA Events Held Before Midterms

President Trump has announced a rally blitz in four states, as we head into the home stretch of the mid-term elections. Trump will be having huge MAGA rallies in Iowa, Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania. Expect Trump to announce his candidacy after ...
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