Arizona Democrat Sentenced to 30 Days in Jail for Ballot Harvesting...FBI Arrests Disabled Marine, VA Cancels His Benefits For Peaceful Protest..Cracked Clown Biden Mocked for Saying There Are ’54 States’
Back when the country was rational cop-killers were given the death penalty. And rightly so. The police are that thin blue line between civilization and savagery. An attack on police is an attack on civilized society. Releasing these animals ...
Rock and roll pioneer and notorious wild man Jerry Lee Lewis has died, and from the looks of some of the coverage of his death, the only noteworthy thing he did was marry his 13-year-old cousin when he was 22. The Los Angeles Times asked: What ...
If you think that these continued public gaffes do not embolden our adversaries your wrong. Dead wrong. The second half of President Biden's term will not be pretty. Stop the public appearances.
The Jan 6th political persecutions are nothing than a Kafkaesque kangaroo court designed to criminalize opposition to the totalitarian Democrat regime. It's all a massive theatrical production with real life repercussions carefully calculated to ...
KARI LAKE: My goodness. I'm telling you, she is going to be our best fundraiser yet. We have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars since her ad started and since we put that letter out… She is hated by both ...
Mitchell Bard writes here that there is no outrage over the prevalence of slavery, or of near-slave conditions for domestic workers, in the Arab countries.
The ILO reported, for example, “In Saudi Arabia, where migrant domestic workers do not ...
Contrary to what the polls say, Doug Mastriano can win. If elected, Mastriano will repair the damage that has been done to Pennsylvania by the Left. Get out and vote for this man. Watch below.
“Make your voice heard on November 8th. This is ...