Trump Could Still Become House Speaker in 2023 Without Even Being Elected - And He Could Impeach Biden
“Speaker of the House Donald Trump” has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? Take a moment and imagine Trump directing the daily order of business in the House. It would be an absolute spectacle. Democrats would be fuming. C-SPAN ratings would skyrocket.
This isn’t just some fanciful MAGA daydream. Nanci Pelosi may soon be forced to pass her gavel over to Trump, especially if Republicans dominate the midterm elections as many pollsters have predicted.
A number of Republicans have already thrown support behind the idea. Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, for instance, has repeatedly pledged to nominate Trump for speaker once Republicans take the House come November.
Trump becoming the House speaker is certainly possible. Although every speaker in the history of the House has been a representative, there is technically no such requirement. The House of Representatives can appoint whoever they want as their leader.
“It literally could be anybody,” legislative expert Casey Burgat told WUSA. Burgat further explained there’s actually some precedent here: Several non-members have received votes in the past. For instance, in 2019, Joe Biden received a speaker vote.
“This has never been tested to the point where someone has won that nomination where then we have to have this debate,” Burgat said. “But as it stands right now, because it hasn’t been disproven, the House will choose its own Speaker and other officers.”
Maybe after November, he’ll come back around to the idea.
If elected by the House, there’s no doubt Trump would use the position to settle old scores. That may seem petty, but hey, at least the Republican Party would actually be doing something for once.
Perhaps Trump would launch an investigation into Hunter Biden’s illicit dealings. Or maybe a review of the slanderous and fruitless Mueller investigation. Of course, he would surely open an inquiry into Hillary Clinton’s email servers.
The possibilities are endless.
Trump could even spearhead the impeachment of President Joe Biden. Wouldn’t that be sweet?
Of course, defeating Biden in a head-to-head presidential rematch in 2024 would be satisfying. But everyone expects that. Imagine if, before it even came to that, Trump led the effort to impeach Biden. Democrats would be forced to look on in horror as Trump, the man they failed to impeach time after time, uses that very same weapon against them.
It would be glorious. And, much like Trump becoming House speaker, the possibility of a Biden impeachment becomes more probable with each passing day.
According to Axios, as of late September, House Republicans have introduced over a dozen impeachment resolutions against the president. If Republicans take the House, should they wish to pursue impeachment, it won’t be hard to come up with a reason why. Biden has committed a laundry list of impeachable offenses from his mishandling of the border crisis to the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.
“Yeah, I do think there’s a chance of that, whether it’s justified or not,” Cruz said on his podcast back in January, according to The Texas Tribune. “Democrats weaponized impeachment … They used it for partisan purposes to go after Trump because they disagreed with him. And one of the real disadvantages of doing that … is the more you weaponize it and turn it into a partisan cudgel, you know, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.”
On two separate occasions, House Democrats led failed efforts to impeach then-President Trump.
In those moments, there’s not a chance in the world any of them could have foreseen the possibility of trading places with Trump.
Yet, with the midterms only weeks away, that remains a possible scenario: House Speaker Donald Trump could lead an impeachment effort against President Joe Biden.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.