Sunday, October 30, 2022

Jihad Rep.Rashida Tlaib: Terrorist-Affiliated Charities ‘Inspire Me Every Single Day’ By Geller Report Staff - on October 29, 2022


Jihad Rep.Rashida Tlaib: Terrorist-Affiliated Charities ‘Inspire Me Every Single Day’


The “charities” that Tlaib is referring to have ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). A Nazi inspired terrorist organization that murders Jewish Israelis. No backlash from the mainstream media, Hollywood, or corporate America against Tlaib, as there is against Kanye West. That is because Tlaib is a “progressive” and West is a Trump supporter. Call your member of Congress and demand that all U.S aid to the Palestinian Authority is stopped.

Rashida Tlaib: Terrorist-Affiliated Charities ‘Inspire Me Every Single Day’

By United With Israel, Oct 29, 2022

Tlaib supports organizations that “routinely hire known PFLP operatives, including those convicted of terrorist plots and of being PFLP operatives.”

By Steven Emerson, The Algemeiner

When US Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) argued last month that true progressives cannot “back Israel’s apartheid government,” she and her supporters insisted it wasn’t an antisemitic statement that covered the vast majority of American Jews.


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