Friday, October 28, 2022

Hochul’s Criminals: Bus Hijacked in NYC Hochul's criminals are finding new ways to terrorize New Yorkers. ‘Don’t Know Why That’s So Important’: Hochul Baffled When Zeldin Talks About Crime Wave During NY Gov Debate



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DEAL DONE! Elon Musk Owns Twitter! CEO, CFO, Head of Legal, Policy, Safety Have Been Fired

Thrilling. Let freedom ring!

The idea of a free marketplace of ideas in the Democrat era of suppression and censorship is the stuff of dreams. Elon Musk will go down in history of one of the giants in the pantheon of great American heroes. ...

Saudi Crown Prince Mocks Biden, Questions His Fitness For Office: Report

As the Biden Administration pleads with Saudi Arabia for oil, the Saudi Crown Prince mocks Biden and questions his fitness for office. What a contrast from when President Trump was our POTUS. Under President Trump world leaders (friends & ...

Latina Republican blocked from joining Congressional Hispanic Caucus

Once again, the Democrats show who the real racists are.

Julio Rosas: Townhall has exclusively learned Rep. Mayra Flores (R-TX) was prevented from joining the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), the leading caucus for Latino members of ...

Debates Reveal Exactly Why Democrats Should Not Be in Leadership

The new thing with Democrats is to push imbeciles, the mentally incompetent, wifebeaters etc  like nothing's wrong, part of flaunting their power and tech control but also they can't resist baring their utter contempt for voters.

“The Party ...

BOMBSHELL EMAILS: CDC Pushed for COVID-19 Boosters Without Clinical Trials

This should end the CDC. There is no one looking out for the American people, on the contrary…..

CDC Pushed for COVID-19 Boosters Without Clinical Trials: Emails

By: Zachary Stieber, The Epoch Times, Oct 26 2022

The U.S. Centers for ...

Putin declares Taiwan is China’s, bashes ‘OLD WOMAN’ PELOSI’S visit

Everything, and I do mean everything, the Democrats touch turns to shit. Is there a friendly foreign ally the regime hasn't alienated?

Putin declares Taiwan is China’s, bashes ‘old woman’ Pelosi’s visit

By: American Military News, ...

Democrats: The Only Way To Save Democracy Is One-Party Rule

Spoken like every evil regime ever.

‘Save Our Democracy’ is the new 'arbeit macht frei.'

Democrats: The Only Way To Save Democracy Is One-Party Rule

‘Save Our Democracy’ is the new ‘Russia Collusion.’

By: David Harsanyi, ...

New PA Secretary of State Is Already Warning of ‘Delays’ in Counting Midterm votes

If they are already warning about “delays” in counting votes, they're planning to cheat.

Related: CRISIS: Pennsylvania Democrat Officials Mailed Out 255,000 Ballots to Unverified Voters

BREAKING: New PA Secretary of State warns of ...

Hochul’s Criminals: Bus Hijacked in NYC

Hochul's criminals are finding new ways to terrorize New Yorkers.

‘Don’t Know Why That’s So Important’: Hochul Baffled When Zeldin Talks About Crime Wave During NY Gov Debate

Kathy Hochul used the old “bait and switch” to avoid ...

75 Referred for PROSECUTION For Voter Fraud in Ohio: Report

Every swing state is reporting these gross election violations.

75 referred for PROSECUTION for voter fraud in Ohio: report

By: RSBN Network, October 25, 2022:

The names of 75 individuals have been added to a growing list of people ...

Chinese Communist Tied Group to Run Midterm “Election Observer” Program

The group is also combatting election “misinformation” in states including Arizona, insisting there is “no evidence of fraud.”

It just gets worse and worse.

CCP-Tied Group to Run Midterm “Election Observer” Program

By: ...

Democrat County Supervisor Indicted on 82 Counts Over Election Theft

The 2020 election “most secure in history,” security officials say.

Democrat Indicted on 82 Counts Over Election Theft

By: The Beltway Report, October 25, 2022:

ICYMI| Democratic County Supervisor, Trey Adkins, has been arrested ...

Black Cyclist Slugs Jewish Teen in NYC Hate Crime: Cops

Black antisemitism is endemic but no one will speak of it. It's both parts left wing Jew hatred and their low exprection of soft bigotry.

And Governor Hochul does nothing. Watch below.

"You got people who are afraid of being pushed into ...

Democrat Whitmer BALD FACED LIED About Her Destructive School Closures Doing Covid At Michigan Governor Debate

She speaks, and she lies. Roll the tape. Like all Democrats,, Governor Whitmer clearly believes that Michigan voters are stupid.

Gretchen Whitmer lied tonight! She failed the kids of Michigan! I hope the voters of Michigan hold her accountable. ...

DOJ Blocks Info on ‘Federal Election Scheme’

“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.”

“It is a system that has conscripted vast human and material resources ...

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