Saturday, December 3, 2022

Best political cartoons: Politically incorrect domestic gas...Candace Owens relishes in roasting list of celebs in mass exodus from *******Tucker Carlson calls ******* files the biggest ‘First Amendment violation in modern history’


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Best political cartoons: Politically incorrect domestic gas

Vindicated! James Woods vows to make DNC pay after Twitter bust. Fires off in RARE, raw interview with Tucker

Biggest news event ‘of the last decade’ unfolds, Twitter files show BOTH parties ‘had access to censorship tools’ but …

Elon Musk urges users to ‘tune in for Episode 2 of The Twitter Files,’ ONE Dem rises from the muck

FBI official admits agency colluded weekly with Facebook to flag, take down posts

GOP lawmaker vows to bring Twitter employees before Congress over Hunter Biden laptop censorship

Trump records special video message for J6 prisoners being ‘tormented,’ treated ‘very, very unfairly’

Tucker Carlson calls Twitter files the biggest ‘First Amendment violation in modern history’

Candace Owens relishes in roasting list of celebs in mass exodus from Twitter

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‘Here we go!’ Musk releases details on how Twitter censored the Hunter Biden laptop story

‘Humiliating sh*t’: Corporate media, liberals circle the wagon, attack Matt Taibbi for unveiling ‘Twitter files’

‘Absolutely shocking’: Fox News contributor reacts to ‘coordinated effort’ by former Twitter execs

Ben Shapiro surprisingly disagrees with Musk over banning Kanye: He’s not ‘actually inciting violence against people’

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Following in Cuomo’s footsteps: NY AG Letitia James’ chief-of-staff steps down amid sexual harassment allegations

‘It’s not going to end well’: Charlamange doubles down on morbid prediction about Kanye

You should know the 9 members of Newsom’s reparations task force

Dems vote to boot ‘too white’ Iowa from 2024 Primary Calendar: ‘It’s time for black voters to actually have a say’

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‘Not really smoking gun we’d hoped for’: Miranda Devine thinks Musk was ‘leaned on’ last minute, he is ‘holding back’

Warrior’s head coach Steve Kerr says ‘media for profit’ not good for ‘a healthy country’

Gov. DeSantis refutes report of ‘u-turn’ on revoking Disney’s special privileges

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