Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Explorers Believe They've Found Mt. Sinai, Complete with Charred Top Where God Gave Moses 10 Commandments


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Explorers Believe They've Found Mt. Sinai, Complete with Charred Top Where God Gave Moses 10 Commandments
Scholars believe they may have found the place where Moses met with God and received the Ten Commandments, and it's located in Saudi Arabia. Ryan Mauro, president of the Doubting Thomas Research Foundation, told The Sun last year, "One of the main reasons certain scholars claim that the Exodus is... Read more…
Barber Offers Haircuts in Exchange for What He Has More Faith in Than Money: 'God Is Real'
Some might consider a mobile barbershop to be a unique, but perhaps clever business idea. However, the primary thing that sets Premier Mobile Cuts apart from other Texas barbershops is how the business is helping some customers enjoy the Christmas holiday season while also strengthening their relationship with the Lord.... Read more…
Waste Service Truck Picks Up Dumpster and Dumps it, Then Driver Spots Person in Hopper Camera
On Monday, an employee with Republic Waste Operations in Huntsville, Alabama, was able to save a life after realizing a man had been sleeping in the dumpster he'd just picked up. Republic Services Operations Manager Chuck Cantrell said the driver wanted to remain anonymous, but quickly shut down the truck... Read more…
White House Whines About Migrant Advocacy by Texas Governor
Gauging by the fury over at the White House, it appears as though Abbott's advocacy is finally hitting home. Read more…
Motivation in Small Packages
Luck is distributed evenly, but disguised. You must be doing something right. Read more…
Fox News Poll Could Spell Trouble for Trump in '24
This isn't looking good for Trump. Read more…
Schaftlein Report |Snow and Record Cold Cause Havoc 1) Death toll up to 27 in Buffalo as massive blizzard swamps the city. 50 dead nationwide. 1A) Record cold and travel delays over the holidays. Southwest cancels 75% of flights yesterday. 2) Texas relocates 3 busloads of migrants to VP Harris residence. Liberals outraged. White House condemns 3)... Read more…


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