Monday, January 2, 2023

FEATURED STORY States Are Banning Parents From Resisting Their Kids Going Trans Congress must pass legislation to stop state governments from trampling parents' rights to protect their kids from radical sex theory.



JANUARY 2, 2023



States Are Banning Parents From Resisting Their Kids Going Trans

Congress must pass legislation to stop state governments from trampling parents' rights to protect their kids from radical sex theory.

Idaho Murder Victim's Father Tears Into Suspect: 'The Little Coward... Got Caught Running'

Idaho Murder Victim's Father Tears Into Suspect: 'The Little Coward... Got Caught Running'

How Pope Benedict XVI Saved Western Civilization

How Pope Benedict XVI Saved Western Civilization

Preserving faith, family, and freedom in our nation.

New Congress Should Investigate Black Lives Matter Riots

New Congress Should Investigate Black Lives Matter Riots

Illinois Supreme Court Halts Elimination of Cash-Bail

Illinois Supreme Court Halts Elimination Of Cash-Bail



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