02/25/2023  Dear RevCarl Coglianese,
Once again, Jesus is being mocked by another horrendous blasphemy.
According to Fox News, Demi Lovato, an American singer, recently released a new album named “holy f---,” in which the cover shows her in a “bondage-style outfit whilst lying on a large, cushioned crucifix.”
In the United Kingdom, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) released a report banning the cover as it was “likely to cause serious offense to Christians.”
The people who complained “challenged whether the ad was likely to cause serious or widespread offense” and noted that the poster was “irresponsibly placed” being exposed to children.
“We considered that the image of Ms. Lovato bound up in a bondage-style outfit whilst lying on a mattress shaped like a crucifix, in a position with her legs bound to one side which was reminiscent of Christ on the cross, together with the reference to ‘holy f---,’ which in that context was likely to be viewed as linking sexuality to the sacred symbol of the crucifix and the crucifixion, was likely to cause serious offense to Christians,” stated the ASA report.
This is disgusting and a grave offense to Jesus.
We must oppose this blasphemy!
Please join me in our Christian duty, and sign against this outrageous offense!
|  | Until next time, I remain Sincerely yours, Gary J. Isbell Tradition Family Property www.tfp.org
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