Monday, February 27, 2023

STRONG GEOMAGNETIC STORMS: Earth's magnetic field is reverberating from a CME strike on Feb. 26th, which triggered strong G3-class geomagnetic storms and widespread auroras across northern Europe and North America.


Space Weather News for Feb. 27, 2023

STRONG GEOMAGNETIC STORMS: Earth's magnetic field is reverberating from a CME strike on Feb. 26th, which triggered strong G3-class geomagnetic storms and widespread auroras across northern Europe and North America. Last night in the USA, Northern Lights descended as far south as Colorado. Another CME could arrive later today, re-energizing and extending the storm. Full story @

Don't miss the next storm: Subscribers to our Space Weather Alert Service receive instant text messages when CMEs arrive and geomagnetic storms are underway.
Above: "The auroras were mind blowing!" says photographer Sacha Layos, who photographed the light show from Fairbanks, Alaska. Check the Realtime Aurora Photo Gallery for the latest sightings.

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