Justice Amy Coney Barrett is outraged after this college does the unthinkable

At many American colleges and universities, it has become a well-known fact that free speech is not valued.
Rather than listen to people who may or may not have different perspectives than their own, many college students prefer to shout down opposing voices.And Justice Amy Coney Barrett is outraged after this college does the unthinkable.
College campuses have become breeding grounds for hate and intolerance
The truth is that many colleges and universities throughout America have served as brainwashing institutions for the radical Left for many decades now.
But recently, these colleges and universities have competed to become the most “woke” and radically far-left, in a desperate attempt at self-aggrandizement.Such radical “wokeness” was on full display at the University of Minnesota on Monday, when a group of protestors attempted to shut down a campus event hosting Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett.
The event was part of the Stein Lecture Series, in which Professor Robert A. Stein of the University of Minnesota Law School was set to discuss a wide range of issues and topics. During the event, ten protestors stood up and began shouting phrases such as “Reproductive rights are under attack! What do we do? Stand up, fight back!” and “Not the court, not the state, people must decide their fate. Affirmative action is under attack! What do we do? Stand up, fight back!”
Another protester was heard saying, “We’re here! We’re here! To shut this s— down!” Before too long, police came to escort the interrupting protestors out of the building.
It is unclear whether these students will face any disciplinary action from the university; however, such action seems highly unlikely.
Acts such as this one, which are designed to shut down events involving speakers and voices they disagree with, are a common tactic of the Left.
Colleges are putting an emphasis on diversity, but not on diversity of thought
Nearly every college and university across the nation claims to invest in promoting diversity on their campuses; however, this rarely applies to a diversity of thought.
Without the availability of differing viewpoints, it is not possible for students to receive a well-rounded education.
The bottom line is that many so-called institutions for higher learning, have become hijacked by far-left radicals who wish to brainwash young people into becoming foot soldiers for the radical Left. Interruptive demonstrations, such as the one that just occurred at the University of Minnesota, are a prime example of the intolerance that is ever present on the Left.
Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates on this ongoing story.