What Clues Does Bible Prophecy Give About What’s Next for Israel?PART 2 of our series on Israel and End Times Prophesy...
Editor’s Note: This is PART 2 of our four-part series about the situation in Israel, what led to this catastrophe, and how it relates to the end times prophecy. Why a series on the Middle East on American Faith and Freedom? What happens there may well deeply affect what happens here… If you missed PART 1 you can access it here. What’s Special About Israel?Israel is “ground zero” for all Bible prophecy. The entirety of the Old Testament focuses on the formation, development, eventual fall, and preservation of the Nation of Israel. Ethnic Israel could have been wiped off the face of the planet many times; they were held as slaves in Egypt in ancient times, detained in captivity in Babylon in 586 B.C., driven from Rome in 70 A.D., persecuted and expelled from Europe during the Spanish Inquisition in the 1400s, and later 6 million Jews were mass murdered during the Holocaust in Nazi Germany in the 1940s. At each juncture in history, the Jewish people faced annihilation. But, in each instance, the Lord miraculously protected and preserved His people, Israel. The Messiah of the world came out of Israel, and he is going to return to Israel. But when he comes back again, it will not be as a helpless child born to a poor family but as a military commander riding a white horse to signify war. When He finally returns, The Lord will come to the aid of outnumbered Israel—an entire nation the size of the state of New Jersey—and defeat her enemies in an epic battle taking place on the plains of Megiddo, a hilltop strategically located on a main road built by the Romans to connect Egypt with Damascus, Syria. This will be the battle famously known as Armageddon. During the final struggle, the Lord will judge the various nations for how they treated Israel and attempted to “divide the land” that the God of Creation rightfully gave to his people, the Jewish nation.
We’re not here yet. Before this world-ending conflict, the Antichrist will negotiate a 7-year peace deal with Israel. This hasn’t happened yet, but be on the lookout for nations, organizations (U.N., I.A.E.A.?), or other entities that promise peace to Israel in exchange for a cease-fire—which could come any day now! What’s Next?The battle over the Holy Land dates back to the time of Isaac and Ishmael, the two sons of Abraham, in Genesis 21. Isaac embodied the son promised by God to Abraham in his old age, but Ishmael was conceived as an illegitimate child. Isaac’s son Jacob became the father of Israel, and Ishmael’s descendants became the Arab nations. The two entities have been at war ever since. Many of the predictions in the Old Testament, often referred to as “End Times Prophecy,” center around alliances that develop between Arab nations. For example, a future military conflict referenced in Ezekiel 38 and 39 describes a coalition of countries headed by Rosh (thought to be Russia), Persia (thought to be Iran), and includes other nations, possibly the modern territories of Libya, Turkey, Ethiopia, and parts of the former Soviet Union. This coalition stages a military invasion of Israel at a time when they are living in peace and experiencing great prosperity, which, since the Abraham Accords, modern-day Israel fits this description. Why do they invade? According to Ezekiel 38:12-13, to take “the spoils,” possibly the oil and natural gas fields discovered in Israel in 2010. Coincidently, according to this prophecy, one group protests this military invasion of Israel: Sheba, Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish. This is widely understood to be none other than Saudi Arabia. This makes sense, considering that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), only 38 years old, is moving slowly toward normalizing ties with Israel for the first time in his country’s history. America, however, does not come to the aid of Israel when this battle prophesied by Ezekiel begins. Regardless of how you feel about end times prophecy, a massive military and economic alliance is forming in the Middle East that we should not ignore. This involves several, if not all, of the key players referenced above: Russia, Iran, Libya, Turkey, and others. How is Iran Involved?If we fast forward to the events that unraveled in the past week, we can see that Iran is at the epicenter of this conflict. The news reports that Hezbollah, another proxy of Iran, is now involved in the fight. Hezbollah is a terror organization, criminal cartel, and political party all rolled into one. Since 2000, Iran has been working with Hezbollah to build up Iran’s military arsenal in preparation for a war against Israel. Lebanon serves as headquarters for the leadership of this Iranian-controlled criminal cartel. Hezbollah, like Hamas, is funded, trained, and resourced by Iran. The U.S. Treasury Department estimates that Iran provides these organizations as much as $100 million annually to destroy Israel. To go a step further, the buffer that used to exist between Iran and Israel no longer exists. Iran has taken military control of every country located between it and Israel—Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq. This is not by accident.
But clearly, the most shocking escalation occurred on February 8, 2023, when Iran published a photo of a ballistic missile with “death to Israel” written in Hebrew. To provide some further context, Iran, a country the size of California, Texas, Montana, and Idaho combined, is hell-bent on harassing a nation with just under 10 million people—roughly the population of New York City. Iran is like the bully on the playground who goes after the youngest and smallest child in the yard. And, if that weren’t bad enough, he enlists all of his thug friends to join in.
Stay tuned to find out! The next post coming soon… As I close… Please join me in continuing to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. This has been a horrific massacre of the Jewish people. May the Lord come to their aid as He promised: Isaiah 49:15 (NLT) “Never! Can a mother forget her nursing child? Come quickly, Lord Jesus! Amy L. Travis is the founder of the Stand Coalition and author of seven books on faith and conservative values including, The Truth About Love: How to Graciously Push Back Against a Godless Culture currently available on Amazon. Additional links: https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/irans-funding-of-hamas-a-threat-to-israel-and-the-west/ Invite your friends and earn rewardsIf you enjoy American Faith & Freedom, share it with your friends and earn rewards when they subscribe. |