Editor’s Note: This is Part 4 of our four-part series about the situation in Israel, what led to this catastrophe, and how it relates to end times prophecy. If you missed any of the previous installments, click on the links. Part One Part Two Part Three The propaganda machine is now in full force as global leaders call for a “two-state solution” in Israel as the cure for this conflict. But, as I’ll outline below, accomplishing peace in the Middle East through a two-state solution is—and always was—a myth. It will never happen. This notion of creating a separate, sovereign, nationally recognized legal entity called Palestine within the borders of the land of Israel originates from the aftermath of what’s known as the 6-Day War, which occurred between June 5-10, 1967. Pledge your support
Since 1967, the international community of global elites has been relentlessly calling for Israel to “give back” the land, including the Gaza Strip. In September 2005, then-President George W. Bush strong-armed Israel into signing an agreement that would evict nearly 9,000 Israelis from their homes and force them to abandon their neighborhoods. Read more here. Negotiations to remove Israeli settlements from the Gaza Strip began in mid-August 2005. Remember that date. Subsequently, the Egyptian government began resettling refugees in that region. Many of these families had fled to Egypt when fighting over the region began as early as 1948. Today, Gaza is densely populated, with over two million people living on a 140-square-mile strip of land. Around half of the population is unemployed, and over two-thirds rely on foreign aid.
Because of the power vacuum created by the withdrawal of Israeli governance and the lack of physical and financial support from Egypt, a criminal cartel took advantage of the chaos and seized control. Hamas uses terror and military force to rule the Gaza Strip. Hamas is chiefly financed by none other than Iran, the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world. The residents of the Gaza Strip are not legal citizens of any country and almost always lack the resources to escape, and Hamas steals most resources funneled to the Gaza Strip before they can reach the people. Israel, the Land Flowing with Milk and HoneyCompare this impoverished enclave known as Palestine with the flourishing nation of Israel. Within the past 15 years, we’ve seen the economic rise of Israel. Remarkably, this small Middle Eastern country has risen as a top innovator in the technology world. “Despite its small domestic market, Israel has managed to build a vibrant start-up scene that competes with those of much larger countries,” according to the Committed Innovator Podcast. Israel is also a top exporter of fresh produce and a world leader in new technologies in agriculture—despite the fact that Israel’s land is a desert! Israeli defense exports—including air defense systems and training services—reached $791 million to countries such as UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan in 2021 after the Trump administration brokered trade deals with these nations. Total exports for Israel reached $11.3 billion in 2021 following the Abraham Accords. Not bad for a country the size of New Jersey. Free IsraelIsrael has another key export: personal and religious freedom. Although not perfect, Israel is the only country in the region where Muslims, Jews, and Christians coexist in peace. These groups work alongside each other within the Israeli government. When Stephen Harper, former Prime Minister of Canada (2006-2015), was asked why he supported Israel his response was,
Peace in the Middle EastThose close to the situation in Israel understand that there is a way to peace, but it doesn’t involve the so-called two-state solution. Israeli leaders and members of the international community who truly support Israel in their plight for peace often say, "If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel.'" After the treachery we’ve witnessed at the hands of Hamas terrorists, many finally understand that this is true. But war is ugly. Tragically, two million innocent civilians in the Gaza region are forced to flee. Unlike Hamas, the IDF has warned residents of the impending military campaign against Hamas rebels in the Gaza Strip and instructed them to head south to safety in Egypt. There’s only one problem. Egypt has closed its border to prevent entry! Ironic, isn’t it? Egypt begged for “their land” back, only to sacrifice its residents to radicals who wanted only death and destruction. As one former IDF soldier put it, “If the UN really wants to help the Palestinians, they will put pressure on Egypt to open their border and accept the refugees,” according to the Daily Signal. My prediction? The UN and global elites won’t do this because their interests don’t align with those of Israel OR the Palestinian civilians. Their agenda is for war and depopulation. It’s almost as if these entities want to see genocide of the Palestinian people so they can blame it on Israel. The Wrap-UpThere are many reasons why a Two-State solution will never work in the Middle East. Below, I’ll outline my top 2 reasons: 2. Arab leadership doesn’t want peace.For starters, Hamas, Hezbollah, and other Iranian proxies don’t want a “Two-State” solution; they want a final one—the total destruction of Israel. In 2021, Dennis Prager wrote an op-ed entitled, “Palestinians Rejected Their Own State 5 Times—They Don’t Want Land, They Want Israel Destroyed.”
David Wolosikexplains how this rejection of peace follows the pattern established in the ensuing negotiations after the 1967 Six-Day War when the Arab League met in Sudan and issued their famous Three Nos:
“When someone takes that position against you, in addition to vowing to destroy you, what exactly is there to negotiate?” You can read the full post here. 1. God will never allow it.This isn’t hyperbole or science fiction. There is substantial evidence to show that the Lord is honoring His promise in Zechariah 2:8-10:
It’s been well documented that each time a nation tries to divide the land of Israel to give it away to someone else, that country experiences a substantial natural disaster. Consider this. I mentioned above about the Bush Administration’s part in brokering Israel’s “Disengagement from Gaza.” Do you know what happened on August 23, Hurricane Katrina, the tropical cyclone that claimed 1,800 lives and ranked as the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history, according to Britannica. William Koenig began working as a White House Correspondent in 2004. During his time there, he began to notice that every time a U.S. president would apply pressure to Israel to divide the land, something catastrophic would occur on American soil. Koenig first published the book Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel in 2006. He has had to expand and release his book several times to include more events relating to the division of Israel since its initial publishing. The book is now 576 pages! As I discussed in part 2 of this series, the final judgment known as the Battle of Armageddon involves the Lord putting nations on trial because of how they “scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land” (Joel 3:1-2). In a future post, I’ll discuss how America is playing a dangerous game in funding both sides of the conflict involving their most strategic ally in the Middle East, Israel. As the saying goes, “With friends like [the United States], who needs enemies?” In conclusion, my friends, this is why we are instructed to pray for Israel. Their peace—and ours—depends on it. Pray for peace in Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 (NLT) Amy L. Travis is the founder of the Stand Coalition and author of seven books on faith and conservative values including, The Truth About Love: How to Graciously Push Back Against a Godless Culture currently available on Amazon. |