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#2 | 2025 End Times PredictionsGODS & GODDESSES of the European Union. Discover what they have to do with the 2025 predictions. You might be surprised.
IT MUST BE SAID:Predictions are generally based on human understanding, analysis, or interpretation of data and trends that relate to Biblical prophecies. They can be about any topic and are subject to change as new information becomes available. Predictions can be accurate or inaccurate, depending on the level of maturity and scholarly abilities of the modern-day prophet presenting the predictions. Since they are human, predictions are not necessarily of Divine authority or guarantee the fulfillment of such predictions. We decided to release these reports only to our paid subscribers. The reason is we believe such content is too important for generalized readers. In our minds, it should be read by invested readers and viewers. Note: We will continue to provide 99% of our post to free subscribers.Don’t miss the Seventy-Seven Predictions series from now to the end of 2025. MODERN DAY BABYLONIn the context of modern times, Babylon can be seen as a symbol of worldly systems and powers that stand in opposition to God’s kingdom. Just as ancient Babylon was characterized by pride, idolatry, and moral corruption, today’s ‘Babylon’ represents any society or institution that promotes hidden gods and goddess’s contrary to the God of TRUTH. As believers, we are called to refute all gods and female deities, discerning the influences around us, and to live as lights in a world that often mirrors the spiritual decay of Babylon. Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, “So will Babylon the great city be thrown down with violence, and will be found no more; and the sound of harpists and musicians, of flute players and trumpeters, will be heard in you no more, and a craftsman of any craft will be found in you no more, and the sound of the mill will be heard in you no more, and the light of a lamp will shine in you no more, and the voice of bridegroom and bride will be heard in you no more, for your merchants were the great ones of the earth, and all nations were deceived by your sorcery. (Revelation 18:21-23) Pre-Olympic CompetitionsBabylon, a city renowned for its grandeur and influence, holds a significant place in Biblical history. It is often depicted as a symbol of human pride, idolatry, and moral decay. The gods and goddesses worshipped in Babylon reflect the city’s spiritual state and its opposition to the one true God. Back in Nebuchadnezzar’s Day, since they host many “gods,” he held an annual competition titled, The Battle of The Gods. Their master of ceremonies of sorts was the god Marduk, the great masculine figure of power and authority. However, at the base of the statue, was a lion - the one who devours. This statue was displayed in the main courtyard of the city of Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar was fond of the idea of the gods competing with one another. As we know from Biblical history, Daniel’s Hebrew God won in the end. The Greek EmpireThe Greek Empire, often referred to as the Hellenistic Empire, was established by Alexander the Great. Alexander, who ruled from 336 to 323 BCE, led a series of military campaigns that expanded his empire from Greece all the way to India. He viewed war as a competition between the gods who ruled each territory. After conquering an empire, he adopted their god and goddesses to his collection, like artwork. Over time, Greece became known for the Empires of the Gods. Amid his reign, he adopted the old Babylon practice of the gods competing with one another. Every four years he held a festival on Mount Olympus, where the people of individual gods would compete with one another in what we call sporting events - or games. The decorated winners were given four years to exalt their gods and goddesses within Greece as exalted deities. His Olympus Festival spread Greek culture and ideas across the Eastern Mediterranean and into Asia, and ultimately to our modern culture. Modern OlympusThe Olympic Games dates back around 3,000 years, of course, beginning in ancient Greece. The first recorded Olympic Games took place in 776 BC in Olympia, located on the Peloponnese peninsula. These games were held every four years in honor of Zeus (Babylon’s version of Mushussu/Dragon - Revelation’s Dragon/Satan), the king of kings of the Greek gods. Today is known as the Antichrist. The ancient Olympics featured various athletic competitions, including foot races, wrestling, boxing, and chariot racing - all symbolic events that the athlete used to demonstrate their “gods” power and mastery. Since their early demonic rivalry became offensive to nations, the Olympic Games have grown significantly in size and scope by placing the focus on the athlete. This shifted the focus to the power of nations. However, traditional spiritualist, who remain active behind the scenes, covertly place the battle of the gods in their opening and closing performances - such was the case with the Paris Olympics. REVIVAL OF THE GODS
Most eschatologist, including myself, believe that a new version of Old Babylon will resurface, with their gods and goddesses, in the End Times. This religious whore once lost her head by the hand of God. In the End Times, as the Paris Olympics depicted, her head will reappear and cause the nations to drink from her immorality. Again, portrayed in the debauchery of the Paris Olympics. Her universal religion will be managed by the False Prophet (Rev. 14:8; 16:19; 17:56; 18:2; 18:10; and 18:21). In the prophetic vision of the End Times, the resurgence of ancient Babylonian gods symbolizes the revival of idolatry and spiritual deception the Antichrist and his False Prophet will deliver. Just as Babylon was a center of false worship and rebellion against God, the End Times will see a resurgence of similar spiritual forces seeking to lead humanity astray. As indwelt believers, we are called to remain vigilant, discerning the signs of the times, and remain focused on the purity of God’s Word, be immovable in our indwelling faith, knowing that the ultimate victory belongs to the Lord. MY PREDICTION:I soberly consider the demonic actions and rituals of Satanists seriously. As I was capturing the footage of the Olympians calling forth the dead spirits of ancient evil worshippers for our short film, God spoke to me.The world’s masses discarded this authentic demon summoning as a modern art expression. NOT ME! Without question, I believe this was Satan’s day in the sun. Real demons were called out of the dark world to begin their work with the nations - to prepare for the Great Whore’s religious global control. You might be tempted to set this warning aside, calling it exaggerated imaginations. However, I know I heard God and over the next year, you WILL see the truth with your own eyes. PREDICTION: Since I believe the 2024 Olympic show of summonsing demons was an actual Satanic ritual of calling forth Satan’s warriors, the world is soon to see an evil being manifested in religions, national politics, culture and their movements, a fast global moral decay, and a demonic delusion that will fall upon every non-indwelt believer on the face of the earth. Scripture makes it clear that before the Antichrist can step out from the shadows, God must release a strong delusion upon humanity. Folks, that recently might have happened at the end of the 2024 Olympics. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12)The outcome of this God-sized event is not an IF, it is a WHEN. Could we see a worldwide delusion in 2025? While I think I know the answer, unfortunately, most will have to wait and see. Oh, by the way, if it does manifest itself in 2025, evangelism just hit its toughest challenge - for convincing the unsaved of the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be next to impossible outside of a miracle from God. Stupidity waits for belief when the seeing is too late!Old Babylon, the New Babylon, with its pantheon of gods and goddesses, serves as a powerful symbol of human pride and rebellion against God. The Biblical prophecies consistently portray Babylon as a city of great wickedness, destined for divine judgment. As indwelt believers, we are called to discern the influences around us and remain steadfast in our faith, living as lights in a world that often mirrors the spiritual decay of Babylon - the capital city of Satan.
A power packed commentary coming your way!Did not find video Until next time, fear not. I will leave you with Yeshua’s words: Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days, you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. (Revelation 2:10) This post is only for paying subscribers of The End Times Chronicles. We would enjoy your likes, dislikes, or comments regarding this post. Dr. Phinney responds personally to all personalized communications. Your “like” or “comment” are appreciated. Hey, fellow writers/readers, would you be open to buying me a cup of coffee? Check out this fun way of supporting my writing: |