Saturday, January 25, 2025

Anti-Trump DOJ Officials Exiled by Mark Megahan January 24, 2025 No comments

Anti-Trump DOJ Officials Exiled

President Donald Trump’s new appointees are cleaning house at the DOJ. Several career civil servants with an anti-Trump agenda have been reassigned to exile. Deputy Assistant Attorney General George Toscas, for instance. He’s going to regret giving the green light to raid Mar-a-Lago. He’s been sent off to a windowless basement office to work on “sanctuary city enforcement.

DOJ shuffle

The incoming Trump administration is shuffling Deep State DOJ operatives off to bureaucratic Siberia. At least 15 anti-Trump Justice Department officials were “reassigned.

Including one, New York Post reports, “who played a central role in pushing for the FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago.” That would be Deputy Assistant Attorney General George Toscas. The others haven’t been named specifically.

The DOJ and FBI under them have had it in for President Trump since he came on the political scene in 2015. The whole Crossfire Hurricane probe was a blatant attempt by Hillary Clinton, in collusion with Russia, to help the FBI frame Trump for colluding with Russia.

It didn’t work. She lost. Her fan club continued to plot a coup against Trump. That also failed. The only reason nobody is in prison for any of it is because somehow Joe Biden ended up being declared president in 2020.

The shoe is on the other foot now. Anyone with an anti-Trump ax to grind can do it from the obscurity of the FOIA compliance office. Or some other tedious and menial clerical position.

Toscas isn’t happy to be cleaning out his desk. He served in the DOJ national security division for the past 20 years. Now, the liberal who helped throw open the borders for Biden can help clean up the mess he made.

DOJ pushed the FBI to raid Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

Mar-a-Lago raid

Toscas clearly disregarded the potential consequences of his actions in August of 2022. He was a “key figure” when the DOJ pushed the FBI to raid Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

He wasn’t happy that Trump defied what we know now were improper requests from the National Archives.

Instead of obeying the law, Toscas made it a political persecution. He literally weaponized the DOJ as accused. At the time, he “fumed to FBI officials” that he didn’t “give a damn about the optics.” He wanted it to make Trump look bad because he knew another run for president was coming.

President Donald Trump’s new appointees are cleaning house.

He didn’t care that raiding the former president’s home would be “unprecedented.” Some interesting things came out of Jack Smith’s controversial report that Democrats aren’t happy with.

Smith documented “a combative call between the DOJ and the bureau’s Washington Field Office ahead of the issuance of a warrant to search for the documents.” The FBI wasn’t comfortable with what Toscas was demanding. Toscas berated and demeaned them into it.

You and your leadership seem to have gone from cautious to fearful,” he wrote in an email to the former head of the FBI Washington Field Office, Steven D’Antuono. Resisting the DOJ on carrying out the raid was “way out of line on substance and form,” he thundered. Obviously, the bully got his way.

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