Catholic Health Service Performing “Transgender” Mutilations on Children! PROTEST!
A Catholic health care provider, Providence Health and Services, was found to take part in “transgender” surgeries for children in over one hundred instances in the last five years!
Providence was founded by the Sisters of Providence in the nineteenth century, and functions as a Catholic institution, although it has merged with some secular institutions. Reports indicate that the health provider has performed 81 “transgender” (i.e. mutilation) surgeries on children, and prescribed 113 children with cross-sex hormones or puberty blockers. According to reports:
“A shocking report…revealed that the nation’s fourth-largest Catholic health system is performing ‘transgender’ surgeries on children, in direct violation of Catholic teaching.
“Providence Health and Services, which owns 51 hospitals across seven western states, was found to have performed such surgeries on 81 children and prescribed cross-sex hormones or puberty blockers to 113 children over the last five years, according to a newly published database.
“Do No Harm, a secular organization of medical professionals and public policy experts, published the database showing which hospitals subject children ‘transgender’ surgeries. The data come from medical billing codes, which medical practices submit to insurance companies to claim payment. Every procedure performed in the United States is documented with a procedure code and corresponding diagnosis code.”
Children are suffering irreversible mutilation at the hands of doctors. It’s bad enough for secular hospitals to perform these horrendous procedures — but for Catholic institutions to participate in immoral and unscientific child mutilation is beyond the pale! Providence Health and Services is one of the biggest Catholic health systems in the country, making it even more shameful for them to be performing transgender surgeries. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops explicitly condemned such procedures in a document issued in 2023 which states:
“Catholic health care services must not perform interventions, whether surgical or chemical, that aim to transform the sexual characteristics of a human body into those of the opposite sex or take part in the development of such procedures.”
(Source:, page 11, paragraph 18)
It is clear that transgenderism opposes Catholic teaching. As long as Providence Health continues harming children with immoral and experimental procedures that contradict God’s creation and Church morality, the institution cannot claim to be Catholic, and will cause grave scandal by being an accomplice to sin.
Please sign our petition to Providence Health, demanding that they uphold Catholic morality.
Sign your petition now!
30000 New Goal25638 Signatures
To: Providence Health and Services, Rod Hochman, M.D. (President and CEO),
I am appalled that "transgender" surgeries are included in Providence Health's services, as revealed in a report from Do No Harm.
"Transgender" surgeries are directly opposed to Catholic doctrine and God's order. This immoral and unscientific practice is an offense against God and society, and is even more grave when it is performed on children.
I demand that Providence Health immediately cease all actions contrary to Catholic morality, and apologize for the scandal that such actions have caused.
Sincerely and urgently,