You Are Unique
Here is a word for you:
He says, “You have dug out two ears for me.” Now that is an odd thing to say, but We need to be able to hear the Lord speaking to us personally. It is the voice of our Father that we need to hear and for that to happen, our ears need to be opened. When you hear the voice of of the Lord, it reveals His will and desire in your life.
The psalmist says, “It is written about me in the scroll of the book, I am happy to do your will.” That is what happens when you turn to the Lord. There is something written there in your heart, the scroll of the book which teaches you to obey. When the Lord opens our ears and we turn to Him and surrender our lives to Him, we will make the amazing and glorious discovery that He has a special plan for each one of us – something that is written in His eternal book. Something that is in the scroll for each one of us individually.
I assure you that he never makes “cookie-cutter” Christians. One believer to be a carbon copy of another. He has a specific, individual plan for each of you and as you open your ears and turn to Him and yield to Him, He will reveal it to you. It is a relationship that continues to grow more intimate and unique.
You were not pleased with sacrifices and offerings. You have dug out two ears for me. You did not ask for burnt offerings or sacrifices for sin. Then I said, “I have come!When the Psalmist wrote this, he was talking about burnt offering and meal offering and sin offering and all of those other “externals” of religion and he is saying, “That isn’t what God is really after. We can have all of the externals, and still miss the real point.”
It is written about me in the scroll of the book. I am happy to do your will, O my Elohim.” Your teachings are deep within me. —Psalm 40:6-8
He says, “You have dug out two ears for me.” Now that is an odd thing to say, but We need to be able to hear the Lord speaking to us personally. It is the voice of our Father that we need to hear and for that to happen, our ears need to be opened. When you hear the voice of of the Lord, it reveals His will and desire in your life.
The psalmist says, “It is written about me in the scroll of the book, I am happy to do your will.” That is what happens when you turn to the Lord. There is something written there in your heart, the scroll of the book which teaches you to obey. When the Lord opens our ears and we turn to Him and surrender our lives to Him, we will make the amazing and glorious discovery that He has a special plan for each one of us – something that is written in His eternal book. Something that is in the scroll for each one of us individually.
I assure you that he never makes “cookie-cutter” Christians. One believer to be a carbon copy of another. He has a specific, individual plan for each of you and as you open your ears and turn to Him and yield to Him, He will reveal it to you. It is a relationship that continues to grow more intimate and unique.
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