Monday, December 8, 2014

Is The End Near?

Is The End Near?

If you have been around the “faith” for any amount of time, you must have heard the phrase: “. . . until the full number of the Gentiles has been called in . . .” (Romans 11:25). Or something similar to that (depending on which translation you are reading).
Now, I can’t explain everything that verse implies. Not only do I not have the time to discuss all the theories, I also do not have all the answers. However, with all the studying I have done, it does appear that the “days of the Gentiles” are almost over. Yahweh has given us plenty of warning that the Spirit will not continue to work earnestly to bring unbelievers in forever. This is why we need to quit playing church and become serious about our faith and devotion. But I can assure you that before this generation comes under the judgment of the Almighty, a great restoration is prophesied!
Joel prophesied, “I will repay you for the years that the locusts . . . ate your crops . . .” (Joel 2:25). The psalmist said that the righteous will “be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit . . . with leaves that do not wither . . . and whatever he does will prosper” (see Psalm 1:3).
However, I should tell you that promise is only for those who have separated themselves completely from the wicked, and refuse to walk in the way of sinners. It is only for those who are devoted disciples of God’s Word, meditating on it day and night.
“Not so the wicked!,” said David (Psalm 1:4). They are like the chaff, worthless, dead, without substance which the wind blows away. They become weak and withered, blown by every wind and wave of doctrine. If you are willing to compromise your faith you will be like withered trees, diseased and corrupted with every conceivable kind of doctrine you hear.
Sadly, this is what many professing Christians are like. They do not read their Bible; they become too preoccupied to pray and build themselves up in the faith; they become cozy with the ungodly and take their seat among the scornful.
An “army of locusts” will eat away at the lives of these Christians. Oh sure, on the outside they may look like trees that are planted by the water—but inside—in their hearts—they are corrupted, weak, diseased. They don’t bear any fruit! They are drying up spiritually. The “canker-worm” does its destructive work with the bark of the tree. That is what happens with sin—it is eats away deep within anyone who refuses to turn to Jesus—or those who have strayed from His presence—or those who choose to ignore His correction in their lives.
Here is the exciting thing—the good news about all this. Our Father has already told us how He is going to bring about this great restoration. Do you want to know? First, he will pour out his Holy Spirit in such abundant ways that it will bring health and strength back to all the “trees in his forest.” The worm of sin will begin to lose its power as His children who re-commit themselves to their devotion; to their Bible reading and fellowship. A powerful revelation of the Lord’s new covenant will make His people as bold as lions. Yes—you can believe it—a revival of spiritual strength and divine health is going to be poured out from on high into each of our lives!
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    Streamed live on Dec 7, 2014
    Pastor Paul Begley of Indiana interview of Evangelist Anita Fuentes on end time bible prophecy and the signs of the coming apocalypse also also

    Sunday, December 7, 2014

    12-07-14 Hummingbird027's Updates on End-Time and Prophetic News

    Published on Dec 7, 2014
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    Gog-Magog and the Invasion of Israel - -- Isaiah 17 & Psalms 83 Countdown - The Remnant Bride - Truth behind the Black Stone, Muhammad & Kaaba -- First Built by Asa'd Abu Karb - Strait is the Gate and Narrow is the Way - Sanctification is a Process - The Three Raptures or Harvests of Souls - The Bema Judgment Seat of Christ - Difference between the Laodicean and Philadelphian Church pt1 - Baptism of fire -- Mark of the Beast, Anti-Soul Vaccinations, and Your Salvation -- Annunaki, Satan's Seedline, and the Alien Deception -- For Those Whom are Left Behind pt1 -- The Blood of Christ, 24 Chromosomes, and Jachin and Boaz pt1 -- The Reason's I Believe in the Rapture pt1 - The Manchild pt 1

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    Ability To See

    Ability To See

    As you know, I love to study and meditate Torah, the first five books of the the Bible. The reason is that it has become so vibrant and life-giving for me. I have been so honored for the Holy Spirit to guide me and reveal so much that I had previously skimmed over, and never fully understood.
    I am once again going through the books when I “stumbled” on the thirty fourth chapter of Deuteronomy:
    Then Moses went up on Mount Nebo from the plains of Moab. He went to the top of Pisgah, across from Jericho (Deuteronomy 34:1)
    You have to realize that this is the last chapter, of the last book in Torah, and you can think of it as a memorial service for Moses. I say that because the people are now going to say goodbye to this “man of God,” but when we do this, it is with a celebration of his life! While death can certainly be unspeakably painful for the loved ones left behind, Psalms 116:15 declares:
    Precious in the sight of Yahweh
        is the death of his faithful ones
    Charles Spurgeon wrote,
    “Having finished his work and pronounced his last blessing, the prophet cheerfully climbs towards heaven, Death to the saints is an ascent. Alone he pursued his upward pathway, but the Lord was at his side, and thus when earthly companions shall bid us adieu, we shall find the Lord at our right hand.”
    Then the story teller goes on and says:
    Yahweh showed him the whole land. He could see Gilead as far as Dan, all of Naphtali, the territory of Ephraim and Manasseh, all the territory of Judah as far as the Mediterranean Sea, the Negev, and the Jordan Plain—the valley of Jericho (the City of Palms)—as far as Zoar (Deuteronomy 34:1-3)
    I love passages like this because they remind us how gracious, merciful, compassionate and kind our God is. It is almost as if Yahweh had allowed Moses to have the best of both worlds! What I mean is that He shows Moses the Promised Land, before he enters into His presence. You see, I am one of those who believe that it is virtually impossible to overstate the grace of God in the life of a believer. As the song writer cries, it is Amazing Grace! But I sadly admit that if you have never tasted the sweetness of that Grace, you can never understand its wonder. But to be honest, even those of us who have experienced our Lord’s Grace, will never fully understand it all. I think that is when we just have to have faith.
    But if we don’t “read between the lines” here, we will miss something. Did you notice that the Lord shows him “all” of the land? Not just a portion of the land or even most of the land. The verse reads, “Yahweh showed him the whole land.” I believe this illustrates how much our Lord desires to show us all of His promises.
    Then Yahweh said to him, “This is the land I promised with an oath to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I said I would give it to their descendants. I have let you see it with your own eyes, but you may not go there.” (Deuteronomy 34:4)
    Now we could think that was rather mean of his God, to show him the fulfillment of the promises He made. But then again maybe not. He showed Moses the fulfillment, then said, “But you may not go there.”
    Moses: “But why Lord? I have been faithful and true to your calling . . .”
    YWHW: “Yes you have, so I am going to fulfill another promise: you are going to come with me.” Wow! From our perspective the Lord was being harsh with Moses, but in reality, it was a much better deal! Like Paul said, “To be with the Lord is better . . .” Yeah, it sure is!
    But there are two other things in this verse that we can apply to our own lives. Both of them have a very powerful and profound meaning. First, it confirms our need to “walk by faith and not by sight.” Yahweh tells Moses He will allow him to “see it with your own eye.” His faith had become sight!
    Hebrews 11:1 explains that “Faith assures us of things we expect and convinces us of the existence of things we cannot see.” There will come a time in our walk of faith that we will be able to “see with our eyes.” We will see what our faith has assured us of; things we have expected and the things we have been convinced of. Leonard Ravenhill glibly stated that a man with an experience in never at the mercy of a man with an argument. Once you have “seen with your own eyes,” through your faith, you can never deny its reality.
    Secondly, the detail regarding a very specific land geographically, indicated that Yahweh was going to deliver and fulfill everything that He has promised to do.
    As one commentator put it;
    The invitation to Moses to view the land was not merely a kindly provision of God to allow His servant to view Israel’s inheritance. It may have had some legal significance. There is some evidence that this was part of a legal process. A man ‘viewed’ what he was to possess.
    What is fascinating is that the last thing Moses would have viewed with his own eyes right before his death was the Cross! That is why you have to read between the lines. As he stood on the high mountain, he was able to see the camps of the twelve tribes of the Israelites. And they were divided into four camps. With the tabernacle at the center, and four camps with three tribes each, camped east to west, and north to south . . . and what did he see? the shape of a cross!
    Did he understand what he saw? Certainly not, but often, neither do we when the Lord begins to show us the plans he has laid out for our lives. But, our faith assures us of those things we expect and convinces us of the existence of things we cannot see!
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