Sunday, August 2, 2015

Open Letter to the Archbishop of Westminster

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In this edition:

Duma: A Misshapen-Media Narrative

By Rob Harris
Inaccuracy is of course the issue when instances of bias are perceived in the media, but these problems often manifest as omissions of fact, rather than outright lies.

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Open Letter to the Archbishop of Westminster

By Dr. Denis MacEoin
What is there to talk about if both sides are to be honest about their beliefs?

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Legal Tyranny of the Left

By David Rubin
Is the State of Israel being unjustly ruled by a left-wing self-perpetuating Supreme Court?

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UK: David Cameron Declares War on Islamic Extremism

By Soeren Kern
But you don't have to support violence to subscribe to certain intolerant ideas which create a climate in which extremists can flourish.

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Turkey Turns on Its Jihadists Next Door

By Burak Bekdil
Turkey is fighting what the entire civilized world views as a brutal jihadist organization.

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Recent Dead Sea Earthquake Ushering In End of Days Prophecy

BIN Evening Edition
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Recent Dead Sea Earthquake Ushering In End of Days Prophecy

Open Letter to the Archbishop of Westminster

By Denis MacEoin
When members of ISIS murder apostates, it is hard to condemn them, as that is what the Prophet did. When they take slave girls as war booty, that is what the Prophet did. Waging jihad is an injunction in many chapters of the Qur’an.
Duma: A Misshapen-Media Narrative
By Rob Harris
Survival Guide for the End of Days
Scripture is full of references to the End Times and the coming of Mashiach who will rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem and revive the dead. All of this will only happen after a great war, which not all will survive. Get a greater understanding in an incredible book, "Survival Guide for the End of Days" by Orthodox Rabbi Pinchas Winston.

WATCH: Ein Gedi Waterfall

In Case You Missed It: Presidential Election Cheat Sheet: Donald Trump and Israel
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Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity! PSALMS (33:1)

Rare 2,000-year-old Roman coin found
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Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!

PSALMS (33:1)

הִנֵּה מַה טּוֹב וּמַה נָּעִים שֶׁבֶת אַחִים גַּם יָחַד

תהלים קלג:א

hee-nay ma tov u'ma na-yeem she-vet a-khim gam ya-chad

Jerusalem Inspiration

Today's well-known verse from Psalms emphasizes the importance of unity between brothers. In ancient times of war between the kingdoms of Judah and Israel, God spoke through His prophet Shemaiah to warn Rehoboam, King of Judah, not to go to war with Israel. He reminded the tribes of Judah and Benjamin that despite their rift with the other ten tribes, the members of both kingdoms are brothers, and they should therefore treat each other with peace and brotherhood. It pains the Lord to see different members of the nation of Israel at odds with each other. Instead, He longs for the time when once again “one king shall be king to them all; and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all” (Ezekiel 37:22). Though there is often strife and conflict between brothers, the time will come when all are united.

The Magnificent Walls of Jerusalem

This beautiful video pans over the magnificent ancient walls and sites of Jerusalem. Don't miss this view!

2000 Year-Old Coin Sheds Light on Roman Conquest of Jerusalem

A rare coin minted almost 2,000 years ago during the conquest of Jerusalem was recently found at an auction in Zurich, NRG reported. The find has helped shed light upon the Roman attitude at the time over the conquest, resulting in a large commemoration of the Roman victory over the Judean rebels.

Jerusalem Stone Art Print

This fine art image of the Western Wall, one of Judaism’s most treasured sites and Jerusalem’s most famous landmark, is printed using state-of-the-art technologies on authentic Jerusalem stone.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Today's photo by Aaron Hyman shows two normally very separate groups uniting at the Western Wall, one of the holiest sites in Jerusalem. Perhaps they aren't as different as they think!

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  It is an honour to receive Israel 365’s daily communication and a great help towards my Hebrew studies. May you all continue to prosper and know what a contribution you are making to the world which very much needs Israel's Light to lighten the gentiles in every area of its being. With grateful thanks, Dorothy Harding, Cyprus
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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