Wednesday, September 2, 2015

CERN Is Set To Create Unimagined Scientific Phenomena In Sept 2015 (Video)

Paranormal News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

Coincidence? CERN Is Shut Down On the Day of Hecates Sacrifice and the Purge? America Is Getting Very Dark! (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: . Coincidence? CERN Is Shut Down On The Day of Hecates Sacrifice and The Purge? America Is Getting Very Dark! 1 Sep 15 Very, VERY dark forces are loose and America is playing right along with open-arm-acceptance of the evil meant for our individual destruction. It is interesting that...

A Real Dragon in Alaska Caught! Aug. 30, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . Why is this a dragon? I know this is looking a lot like a dragonfly to most people. But hear me out. I went out...

UFO Follows The Donald Trump Helicopter, Tells US Trump Will Be Next President? (Photos) CONTRIBUTOR: . Date of sighting: Aug 15, 2015 at 1PM Location of sighting: Des Moines, Illinois, USA Source: MUFON Case #: 69530 UFO following future presidents is nothing new. Carter saw one when he came out of the lions club. Ronald Reagan was followed twice when he was California governor and he...

Absolutely Chilling -- CERN To Attempt To Re-Create the Tumultuous Conditions Following the 'Big Bang' in September! Big, Big Trouble Ahead! (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: . ***Absolutely Chilling*** CERN To Attempt To Re-Create The Conditions Following The 'Big Bang' in September! Big, Big Trouble Ahead! 1 Sep 15 The so-called 'big bang' was actually the war in the heaven when God tossed the revoltion leader, Lucifer, and his gang of angels (1/3rd of the...

What Is Project Bluebeam? (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: . by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Editor, What is Project Bluebeam? Project Bluebeam is a four step process that has an end result on a one world government. If you’ve noticed, the most recent wars involved countries who did not have ties to the Rothschild banking system, the World Bank....

BREAKING! Just now a Helicopter flies over my house and gets buzzed by a UFO!! CONTRIBUTOR: . ((T((((((((((((((((((((((@@((((((((((((((T(((... Believe))))))))))))T))))))))))))@@)))))))))))... I can only post this picture and send you the video I uploaded it quickly. The Helicopter was very low at first and the sound was loud so I walked outside and decided to snap a photo to see if it might be Military So than I decided...

CERN Is Set To Create Unimagined Scientific Phenomena In Sept 2015 (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: . In September, Europe’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) which is composed of some 9,600 super magnets, which are 100,000 times more powerful than the gravitational pull of Earth, will smash together sub-atomic particles at nearly the speed of light, an unprecedented experiment that has some of the leading voices in...

Bigtime UFO! Amazing Flying Saucer Just Before Hurricane Impact 8/30/2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . BIGTIME!! [AMAZING FLYING SAUCER] JUST Before Hurricane Impact 8/30/2015 The Hennings Family Captures Multiple Video And Photos Of an Amazing Flying Saucer Caught In Broad Day Light Just Before A Major Hurricane Heading Towards Hawaii! Source: thirdphaseofmoon...

Top 10 Secret SUPER WEAPONS by Hitler CONTRIBUTOR: . Top 10 Secret SUPER WEAPONS by Hitler (SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO) Secret Weapons developed SUPER style by the Nazi Party...Hitler's technology was ahead of the time. See how big that tank is in the picture? The Sonic Cannon: If you were hoping for a weapon which fired sassy, tiny blue...

The Cursed Skull

CONTRIBUTOR: . A couple of my school friends found an ancient burial mound on the side of a hill, near Phoenix, that contained a silver-studded saddle and a skull. I was very wary about the find and warned the others that they’d better leave it alone. I just didn’t feel it was...

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Before It's News
775 E. Blithedale Ave. #362
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Explosive! Two Men Have the Same Terrifying Dream, and Now It Is About To Happen! Even the Experts Are Watching and Waiting! (Videos)

Prophecy News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

Explosive! Two Men Have the Same Terrifying Dream, and Now It Is About To Happen! Even the Experts Are Watching and Waiting! (Videos) CONTRIBUTOR: . Joel 1:14-15 --- Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the LORD your God, and cry unto the LORD, Alas for the day! For the day of the LORD is at hand, and as a...

On Sept 13 The World Will Be Completely Devastated by This. More Than All Other September Events Combined

CONTRIBUTOR: . What will happen on Sept 13 will trigger the biggest financial crisis the world has ever seen. It will affect the entire world from which it will never recover. It’s an event that has never happened before and will never happen again. And all the other September events will be...

Prophetic Warning: Billions of People will Die Soon and Will Die Horribly

CONTRIBUTOR: . Prophetic Warning: Billions of People will Die Soon and Will Die Horribly The purpose of this essay is to present facts and very conservative estimates which will convince the reader that billions of human beings will most likely suffer horrible deaths before the year 2050 and almost certainly will suffer...

Cain and His Descendants & The Fallen Angels And Their Nephilimic Descendants Both Had Blazing Blue Eyes: BLUE EYED DEVILS

CONTRIBUTOR: . Cain and His Descendants & The Fallen Angels And Their Nephilimic Descendants Both Had Blazing Blue Eyes: BLUE EYED DEVILS! Fallen Angel DNA which also includes Satan carries the Blue Eyed Gene, this is why our ancestors called the wicked ones BLUE EYED DEVILS, they knew something from the ancient...

Researcher Claims Discovery of 'Jesus in the Stars' (Detailed Photo) CONTRIBUTOR: . A historical researcher claims to have discovered what appears to be a planetary representation of the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth on the day he is believed to have died. Forget the grilled cheese sandwich or the tree bark bearing the likeness of Jesus of Nazareth, a historical researcher claims...

ISIS Jump Starting The Apocalypse Working Towards A Global Caliphate Assisted By The U.S. (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: . ISIS Jump Starting The Apocalypse And Working Towards A Global Caliphate Assisted By The U.S. Opening The Terrorist Gates Throughout The Middle East 1 Sept 15 A must see vid folks. United States foreign policy has fundamentally transformed the Middle East, allowing the rise of radical groups...

The Iran Nuke Deal/Setup Against Israel by Her Allies To Force A Two-State "Solution"! Jerusalem To Be Divided And Judgment Be Be Unleashed (Video) (Video) OYEP CONTRIBUTOR: . The Iran Nuke Deal/Setup Against Israel by Her Allies To Force A Two-State "Solution"! Jerusalem To Be Divided And Judgment Be Be Unleashed 1 Sept 15 America, we are NOT immune to the coming judgment. Tyrant O has turned his back on Israel and we will pay...

September 23- 2015 – The End Is Only The Begining-Bible Signs Of the End Times

CONTRIBUTOR: . September 23- 2015 -The End Is Only The Begining-Bible Signs Of the End Times When Noah and Lot warned their respective people of God’s coming judgment and destruction, the people would not listen. Instead they treated Noah and Lot as “extremists”. Then the destruction that DID come found the. Thus...

Fallen Angel Nephilimic Traits Abound Throughout The World But Most Are Asleep And Unaware That The Enemy Is All Around Them, THE WICKED HOST.


Our Governments Know Who Is Who By Keeping DNA CATALOGUES OF OUR GENETIC ANCESTORS: The Real Reason For Tracking DNA Signitures In The Blood.

CONTRIBUTOR: . Our Governments Know Who Is Who By Keeping DNA CATALOGUES OF OUR GENETIC ANCESTORS: The Real Reason For Tracking DNA Signitures In The Blood. Either we are of the Wicked Fallen Angels, The Wicked Nephilims, The Wicked Beasts of the Field/Hybrids, Wicked Satan's Seed Cain, The Wicked Canaanites, Esau now...

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Before It's News
775 E. Blithedale Ave. #362
Mill Valley, California 94941 Read the VerticalResponse marketing policy.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

And to Zion it will be said, "Man after man was born in her," and He will establish it on high. PSALMS 87:5

What Did Life in the Holy Land Look Like 2,000 Years Ago?
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And to Zion it will be said, "Man after man was born in her," and He will establish it on high.


וּלֲצִיּוֹן יֵאָמַר אִישׁ וְאִישׁ יֻלַּד בָּהּ וְהוּא יְכוֹנְנֶהָ עֶלְיוֹן

תהילים פז:ה

u-l'-tzee-yon yay-a-mar eesh v'-eesh yu-lad ba v'-hu y'-kho-n'-ne-ha el-yon

Jerusalem Inspiration

What is the meaning of the double word 'man' in today's verse? Tradition teaches that when King David refers to those who were born in Zion, he is not only referring to those actually born there. Rather, the double word is meant to teach us that even those who yearn to be in Zion are considered to be children of Zion, as if they had been born there! However, many children who are blessed enough to be born in Israel sadly do not have the tools to succeed here. Meir Panim gives away thousands of back-to-school packages for needy kids all over the country.

"Herod the Great" Show

If you want to know what life in the Holy Land looked like 2,000 years ago, step inside Jerusalem's Israel Museum to see the world's first exhibition on the life of King Herod, who built the Caesarea harbor, Masada and much more.

Meir Panim Distributes 4,000 Back-to-School Gifts for Needy Children

Meir Panim is kicking off the school year by giving out packages filled with school supplies to children from disadvantaged families, helping to confront one of the biggest challenges facing Israel’s needy families at this time of year.

Heroic Children: Untold Stories of the Unconquerable

At times moving, heart-rending, joyful, mesmerizing and ghastly, Hanoch Teller’s astonishing collection of stories about child survivors of the Holocaust conveys the terror and courage of this period in the world’s history through the eyes of the children who lived it.

Jerusalem Photo Trivia

A ceramics stand at the Bezalel Pedestrian Mall in Jerusalem, by
Uri Baruch. This street fair takes place every Friday, offering the tastes, smells and inspirations of Jerusalem. Do you know the significance of the character Bezalel in the bible, and why it is a fitting venue for a crafts fair?  Send me your answer or post it on Facebook!

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Robin Sussman in memory of her parents Sigmund and Barbara Beer.

“Thanks So Much For All You Do

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying Jerusalem365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).
  Dear Rabbi, I wish you could have seen my little children clapping, dancing, and singing the Hebrew words to the music today :-)    Our family continues to be blessed by the beautiful photos and especially the sacred scriptures you share.  As a Christian, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for Israel, and for the United States.  I'm so heavy-hearted by the direction America seems to be headed.  If we continue to forsake God, Biblical morality, and His chosen people of Israel, we are doomed.  I pray fervently that our country will turn around.  How thankful I am that the LORD's mercies are new every morning!   Thanks again so much for all you do.  Love and blessings, Rebecca from Minnesota, USA
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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