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CONTRIBUTOR: . Coincidence? CERN Is Shut Down
On The Day of Hecates Sacrifice and The Purge? America Is Getting Very Dark! 1
Sep 15 Very, VERY dark forces are loose and America is playing right along with
open-arm-acceptance of the evil meant for our individual destruction. It is
interesting that...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Why is this a dragon? I know
this is looking a lot like a dragonfly to most people. But hear me out. I went
CONTRIBUTOR: . Date of sighting: Aug 15, 2015
at 1PM Location of sighting: Des Moines, Illinois, USA Source: MUFON Case #:
69530 UFO following future presidents is nothing new. Carter saw one when he
came out of the lions club. Ronald Reagan was followed twice when he was
California governor and he...
CONTRIBUTOR: . ***Absolutely Chilling*** CERN
To Attempt To Re-Create The Conditions Following The 'Big Bang' in September!
Big, Big Trouble Ahead! 1 Sep 15 The so-called 'big bang' was actually the war
in the heaven when God tossed the revoltion leader, Lucifer, and his gang of
angels (1/3rd of the...
CONTRIBUTOR: . by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Editor, What is Project Bluebeam? Project Bluebeam is a four step process that
has an end result on a one world government. If you’ve noticed, the most recent
wars involved countries who did not have ties to the Rothschild banking system,
the World Bank....
Believe))))))))))))T))))))))))))@@)))))))))))... I can only post this picture
and send you the video I uploaded it quickly. The Helicopter was very low at
first and the sound was loud so I walked outside and decided to snap a photo to
see if it might be Military So than I decided...
CONTRIBUTOR: . In September, Europe’s Large
Hadron Collider (LHC) which is composed of some 9,600 super magnets, which are
100,000 times more powerful than the gravitational pull of Earth, will smash
together sub-atomic particles at nearly the speed of light, an unprecedented
experiment that has some of the leading voices in...
SAUCER] JUST Before Hurricane Impact 8/30/2015 The Hennings Family Captures
Multiple Video And Photos Of an Amazing Flying Saucer Caught In Broad Day Light
Just Before A Major Hurricane Heading Towards Hawaii! Source:
Hitler (SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO) Secret Weapons developed SUPER style by the Nazi
Party...Hitler's technology was ahead of the time. See how big that tank is in
the picture? The Sonic Cannon: If you were hoping for a weapon which fired
sassy, tiny blue...
. A couple of my school friends found an ancient burial mound on the side of
a hill, near Phoenix, that contained a silver-studded saddle and a skull. I was
very wary about the find and warned the others that they’d better leave it
alone. I just didn’t feel it was...
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