Tuesday, September 1, 2015

And to Zion it will be said, "Man after man was born in her," and He will establish it on high. PSALMS 87:5

What Did Life in the Holy Land Look Like 2,000 Years Ago?
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And to Zion it will be said, "Man after man was born in her," and He will establish it on high.


וּלֲצִיּוֹן יֵאָמַר אִישׁ וְאִישׁ יֻלַּד בָּהּ וְהוּא יְכוֹנְנֶהָ עֶלְיוֹן

תהילים פז:ה

u-l'-tzee-yon yay-a-mar eesh v'-eesh yu-lad ba v'-hu y'-kho-n'-ne-ha el-yon

Jerusalem Inspiration

What is the meaning of the double word 'man' in today's verse? Tradition teaches that when King David refers to those who were born in Zion, he is not only referring to those actually born there. Rather, the double word is meant to teach us that even those who yearn to be in Zion are considered to be children of Zion, as if they had been born there! However, many children who are blessed enough to be born in Israel sadly do not have the tools to succeed here. Meir Panim gives away thousands of back-to-school packages for needy kids all over the country.

"Herod the Great" Show

If you want to know what life in the Holy Land looked like 2,000 years ago, step inside Jerusalem's Israel Museum to see the world's first exhibition on the life of King Herod, who built the Caesarea harbor, Masada and much more.

Meir Panim Distributes 4,000 Back-to-School Gifts for Needy Children

Meir Panim is kicking off the school year by giving out packages filled with school supplies to children from disadvantaged families, helping to confront one of the biggest challenges facing Israel’s needy families at this time of year.

Heroic Children: Untold Stories of the Unconquerable

At times moving, heart-rending, joyful, mesmerizing and ghastly, Hanoch Teller’s astonishing collection of stories about child survivors of the Holocaust conveys the terror and courage of this period in the world’s history through the eyes of the children who lived it.

Jerusalem Photo Trivia

A ceramics stand at the Bezalel Pedestrian Mall in Jerusalem, by
Uri Baruch. This street fair takes place every Friday, offering the tastes, smells and inspirations of Jerusalem. Do you know the significance of the character Bezalel in the bible, and why it is a fitting venue for a crafts fair?  Send me your answer or post it on Facebook!

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Robin Sussman in memory of her parents Sigmund and Barbara Beer.

“Thanks So Much For All You Do

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying Jerusalem365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).
  Dear Rabbi, I wish you could have seen my little children clapping, dancing, and singing the Hebrew words to the music today :-)    Our family continues to be blessed by the beautiful photos and especially the sacred scriptures you share.  As a Christian, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for Israel, and for the United States.  I'm so heavy-hearted by the direction America seems to be headed.  If we continue to forsake God, Biblical morality, and His chosen people of Israel, we are doomed.  I pray fervently that our country will turn around.  How thankful I am that the LORD's mercies are new every morning!   Thanks again so much for all you do.  Love and blessings, Rebecca from Minnesota, USA
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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