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. The gates of Hell are open wide,And all the residents who live insideAre
taking trips on beams of lightHeading for Earth with all their might.Demons and
gargoyles, vampires and batsWarlocks and wizards, witches and catsAll looking
for bodies to ply their own tradesThey're riddled with evil of various
grades.The prize...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Volume XXXIV Issue IX September
2015 Last Trumpet Ministries, PO Box 806, Beaver Dam, WI 53916 Phone:
920-887-2626 Internet: ... "And God saw every thing that he had made, and,
behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day."
Genesis 1:31 "Let no man...
CONTRIBUTOR: . This week on the CYL radio show,
host Liz Dawn will be honoring the life of Dr. Wayne Dyer. Wayne has been
working with Liz for over 16 years at the Mishka Productions/Celebrate Your Life
event. He has had a tremendous impact on millions of people’s lives all over
CONTRIBUTOR: . Here are some details of two
series of events taking place in London this autumn. While they aren't
specifically pagan, they should appeal to anyone interested in London history,
folklore and curiosities.London Month of the DeadThroughout October 2015 and
concluding on All Souls Day, Curious Invitation and Antique Beat are...
. 2nd September 2015 By Dr. Michelle Kmiec Contributing Writer for Wake Up
World Emotions spontaneously arise each day despite our efforts to control them.
They often surface without warning, whether we want them to or not. Fortunately,
many of these emotions translate as pleasurable ones – feelings of joy,
. The only way to know the unknown is to dive into it. Before you do that,
know one thing. There is no guarantee that you will come out of it. The only man
who will do that is one that has nothing to lose.**Going to war for the dominant
CONTRIBUTOR: . True love is not blind. It can
see most clearly, for to truly love is to see and know and be aware of a
person’s flaws - however great or small - and still choose to love them.True
love is indescribable. But if I could try painting pictures of...
. 2nd September 2015 By Christine Horner Guest Writer for Wake Up World
We’ve been fortunate enough to survive the “me” generation to learn that life is
much more inclusive than it used to be. Thanks to social media, “me” exploded
into “we,” and a socially conscious generation was born. What...
CONTRIBUTOR: . OM Times is a leading voice of
the Conscious Community with articles covering the full spectrum of Conscious
Living. Click here to see all we share. You Are Never Too Old By John Holland
Many of us know people who when they’ve reached a certain age, find themselves
stuck in...
. The final element, or habit, of mindfulness is acceptance. In this
scenario, acceptance is defined as “completely accepting the thoughts, feelings,
sensations, and beliefs that you have and understanding that they are simply
those things only”. Today we finish my thoughts on mindfulness. When it’s all
said and done, mindfulness...
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