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CONTRIBUTOR: . Please Visit For News and Bible Prophecy Updates I highly advise you
to watch and read The Matrix Of The Antichrist by CLICKING HERE. I wrote an
article about the coming Satanic Internet before FaceLikeTheSun released this
video. A Global system is coming that is going to change the...
. Many of us, when we encounter persecution in other countries, begin to
wonder about our own freedom, security, and prosperity when others are
suffering. How can we enjoy our freedom and painless Christian walk while others
are suffering so much for Christ, we think? In some countries, some Christians
. A Living Christ Speaks: How to live Free in an Unfree World! Raymond
Ronald Karczewski© — A Living Christ It is time for all to awaken to the Fraud
which has been perpetrated upon you by Satanic government, religions, banks, and
corporations who make the rules and...
. Pharisees judge on EVERY aspect of life and living. I say the ONLY sins
that matter to God involve Human Life. I can only judge based on what I know in
regard to Human Life. It's why I will judge in my own mind, but I will NOT claim
. Two Living Christs have a Spiritual Dialogue! Sandy Wallace wrote: Raymond
Karczewski wrote: sw: > I came across your youtube videos yesterday and I'm
fairly certain I have listened to them all now. I know from personal experience
that you speak the truth. rk: welcome Sandy. to my site....
. On October 1, Catholics around the world honor the life of St. Thérèse of
the Child Jesus, or St. Thérèse of Lisieux on her feast day. St. Thérèse was
born January 2, 1873 in Alençon, France to pious parents, both who have been
declared venerable by Pope John Paul II....
CONTRIBUTOR: . St Stephan Catholic
Church in Portland, Oregon, will be hosting a Sacred Liturgy Conference from
October 29th to November 2nd. Latin Masses will be celebrated daily in both the
Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms, and many conferences will be given by a
variety of priests, monks, laity, and Archbishop Sample. Please...
. School is back in session, and that means the monthly WELSTech focus on
educational technology is back also! Gail Potratz joins the conversation to
share an overview of Google’s learning management system, Classroom. Young
engineers are in the news, and Martin shares a sunny way to manage your
schedule. The interview...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Vatican City, Sep
30, 2015 / 11:21 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis reviewed his recent trip to
Cuba and the United States during his General Audience on Wednesday, calling the
World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia the “culmination” of his apostolic
visit. “I wish to convey my fraternal and warm...
. 624 THE BRANCHES OF THE FIG TREE - Who Is a Jew – Part 2 This article may
be read adware free at the following link: The Branches of the Fig Tree As
previously reported in the article, Who or What is a Jew? , Jesus the Christ...
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