Thursday, October 1, 2015

✌ The Harbinger of Things to Come, The Godzilla of All Wake Up Calls ✌

Environment News Weekly Featured

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✌ The Harbinger of Things to Come, The Godzilla of All Wake Up Calls ✌ CONTRIBUTOR: . CLICK TO GO READ THIS AMAZING ARTICLE IN ITS ENTIRETY! These are the words of Felicia Marcus, chairwoman of the California State Water Resources Control Board. What she is referring to is the fact that there was no snow pack to refill the state's reservoirs during the summer months of...

Alaska Governor Wants Oil in that Pipeline; Industry Interest in Arctic Oil Grows

CONTRIBUTOR: . As Shell Scraps Arctic Drilling Plan, Gov. Declares: 'We Need To Get Some Oil in that Pipeline... Quick'. The same day that the oil giant announced that it would be abandoning its offshore drilling operations, Gov. Bill Walker said he was on the phone with the White House renewing...

Video: Supermoon causes second day of flooding along South Florida coastline – ‘I’ve been here for 20 years and this is the worst it’s ever been’ (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: . Desdemona Despair video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player By Ben Kennedy29 September 2015 MIAMI BEACH, Florida ( – Sunday evening's supermoon is causing the second day of high tides along South Florida's coastline. "I've been here for 20 years and this is the worst it's ever been," a Miami Beach resident...

Record El Niño set to cause hunger for 10 million poorest, Oxfam warns

CONTRIBUTOR: . Desdemona Despair By Oliver Milman30 September 2015 (The Guardian) – At least 10 million of the world’s poorest people are set to go hungry this year because of failing crops caused by one of the strongest El Niño climatic events on record, Oxfam has warned. The charity said several countries...

Syria war causes the global doomsday seed vault’s first withdrawal

CONTRIBUTOR: . Desdemona Despair By Nick Robins-Early22 September 2015 (The Huffington Post) – The doomsday seed vault on Norway's remote Svalbard archipelago houses the world's back up supply of seeds to ensure crop diversity. It contains deposits of nearly 865,000 varieties of seeds buried within a mountain in case of catastrophe. Due...

Britain Under Pressure To Scrap Green Taxes As Steel Plant Closure Sparks Outburst CONTRIBUTOR: . The Government is coming under increasing pressure to scrap green charges that contributed to the closure of the Redcar plant. The Teesside site, which has produced steel for 160 years, will be mothballed with the loss of 1,700 jobs, its Thai owners SSI UK announced yesterday. Another 4,000 jobs are...

River turns red as Siberia gold mine blamed for ‘serious’ pollution and ‘significant violations’

CONTRIBUTOR: . Desdemona Despair 24 September 2015 (The Siberian Times) – Residents in the TransBaikal district of Mogochinsky reported the 'unnatural' colour of the Itaka River prompting a full-scale health alert. Local environmental officials blame 'significant violations' at a local gold mine amid concerns for people living downstream of the pollution outbreak....

‘Thirsty’ Concrete Soaks Up Water — And Could Help Cities Prepare For Climate Change CONTRIBUTOR: . First published on, a project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, which was recently named one of Time magazine's Top 25 blogs of 2010. Imagine a huge, concrete mixing truck parked atop a black, asphalt-looking parking lot begins to unload a deluge of water, the stream hurtling...

Even if every nation meets its pledge to fight climate change, we’re still fried

CONTRIBUTOR: . Desdemona Despair By Brian Merchant28 September 2015 (Motherboard) – If every nation that has so far pledged to cut down on its carbon emissions made good on its promises, the global average temperature would still rise 3.5˚ Celsius by the end of the century. According to a new study from...

Bank of England Climate Warning; Zambian President Blames Warming for Power Crisis; US Seeks Bull Trout Protection

CONTRIBUTOR: . Bank of England's Carney warns of climate change risk. The Bank of England governor has given a stark warning that climate change poses a huge risk to global stability. Zambian president blames global warming for worst power crisis. Energy shortages in the southern African nation are linked to...

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775 E. Blithedale Ave. #362
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Earthquake Effects can Travel Much Farther and Cause Damage (Landslides, etc.,) over Larger Areas than Previously Thought.

Earthquakes News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

Earthquake Effects can Travel Much Farther and Cause Damage (Landslides, etc.,) over Larger Areas than Previously Thought. CONTRIBUTOR: . "The Sixth Seal Will be on the East..." Earthquake shaking in the eastern United States can travel much farther and cause damage over larger areas than previously thought. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists found that last year’s magnitude 5.8 earthquake in Virginia triggered landslides at distances four times farther—and over...

Minor earthquake - Perry, Oklahoma on October 1, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. –...

Minor earthquake - Alberto Oviedo Mota, B.c., Mx on October 1, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. –...

Minor earthquake - Region Metropolitana, Chile on October 1, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. –...

Minor earthquake - Sicily, Italy on October 1, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. –...

Minor earthquake - Western Turkey on October 1, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. –...

Moderate earthquake - Perry, Oklahoma on October 1, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. –...

Minor earthquake - Offshore Coquimbo, Chile on October 1, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. –...

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775 E. Blithedale Ave. #362
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The 2020 Agenda and The Coming Satanic Singularity!

Christian News News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

The 2020 Agenda and The Coming Satanic Singularity! CONTRIBUTOR: . Please Visit For News and Bible Prophecy Updates I highly advise you to watch and read The Matrix Of The Antichrist by CLICKING HERE. I wrote an article about the coming Satanic Internet before FaceLikeTheSun released this video. A Global system is coming that is going to change the...

What If We Are NOT Suffering For Jesus?

CONTRIBUTOR: . Many of us, when we encounter persecution in other countries, begin to wonder about our own freedom, security, and prosperity when others are suffering. How can we enjoy our freedom and painless Christian walk while others are suffering so much for Christ, we think? In some countries, some Christians enjoy...

A Living Christ Speaks: How to live Free in an Unfree World!

CONTRIBUTOR: . A Living Christ Speaks: How to live Free in an Unfree World! Raymond Ronald Karczewski© — A Living Christ It is time for all to awaken to the Fraud which has been perpetrated upon you by Satanic government, religions, banks, and corporations who make the rules and...

About Judgment

CONTRIBUTOR: . Pharisees judge on EVERY aspect of life and living. I say the ONLY sins that matter to God involve Human Life. I can only judge based on what I know in regard to Human Life. It's why I will judge in my own mind, but I will NOT claim to...

Two Living Christs have a Spiritual Dialogue!

CONTRIBUTOR: . Two Living Christs have a Spiritual Dialogue! Sandy Wallace wrote: Raymond Karczewski wrote: sw: > I came across your youtube videos yesterday and I'm fairly certain I have listened to them all now. I know from personal experience that you speak the truth. rk: welcome Sandy. to my site....

St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus

CONTRIBUTOR: . On October 1, Catholics around the world honor the life of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, or St. Thérèse of Lisieux on her feast day.  St. Thérèse was born January 2, 1873 in Alençon, France to pious parents, both who have been declared venerable by Pope John Paul II....

Sacred Liturgy Conference in Portland, Oregon, Oct. 29 - Nov. 2 CONTRIBUTOR: . St Stephan Catholic Church in Portland, Oregon, will be hosting a Sacred Liturgy Conference from October 29th to November 2nd. Latin Masses will be celebrated daily in both the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms, and many conferences will be given by a variety of priests, monks, laity, and Archbishop Sample. Please...

412 – Google Classroom

CONTRIBUTOR: . School is back in session, and that means the monthly WELSTech focus on educational technology is back also! Gail Potratz joins the conversation to share an overview of Google’s learning management system, Classroom. Young engineers are in the news, and Martin shares a sunny way to manage your schedule. The interview...

Pope Francis lauds Archbishop Chaput's 'great love for the family' CONTRIBUTOR: . Vatican City, Sep 30, 2015 / 11:21 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis reviewed his recent trip to Cuba and the United States during his General Audience on Wednesday, calling the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia the “culmination” of his apostolic visit. “I wish to convey my fraternal and warm...

The Branches of the Fig Tree - Who or What is a Jew Part 2

CONTRIBUTOR: . 624 THE BRANCHES OF THE FIG TREE - Who Is a Jew – Part 2 This article may be read adware free at the following link: The Branches of the Fig Tree As previously reported in the article, Who or What is a Jew? , Jesus the Christ...

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775 E. Blithedale Ave. #362
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It’s Getting Darker - Shine On

Spirit News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

It’s Getting Darker - Shine On CONTRIBUTOR: . By Alice Johnson Childs “And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness,...

How to Hear Spirit Mindfully and Easily CONTRIBUTOR: . OM Times is a leading voice of the Conscious Community with articles covering the full spectrum of Conscious Living. Click here to see all we share. How to Hear Spirit Mindfully and Easily by Jock Brocas If you are on a spiritual path and have chosen to dedicate your life...

The Craving Behind the Craving: Addiction as a Spiritual Disease

CONTRIBUTOR: . 1st October 2015 By Irwin Ozborne Guest Writer for Wake Up World “It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.” As a child, I remember walking in my grandmother’s backyard and one day noticed a...

God Used a Break-Up For My Good CONTRIBUTOR: . As you've most likely read, I have 'almost' dated three guys in the past two years. None of them worked out, for various reasons. After the third dude fell through, I embraced my singleness whole-heartedly. And was determined that the next guy I got to know/started dating was the one...

Mind Before Matter: How Consciousness is Making a Comeback Through Scientific Exploration

CONTRIBUTOR: . 1st October 2015 By Phillip J. Watt Guest Writer for Wake Up World A person’s worldview has always been shaped by their culture and period in history. If we grew up in a tribal setting, we would have a remarkably different perspective than in a ‘modern’ society. Well, that’s what...

Shifting Drama with Justin & Juna Milano and Edie Weinstein CONTRIBUTOR: . Edie Weinstein welcomes Justin and Juna Milano as they explore one of the most powerful ways to shift out of drama & disconnection and back into intimacy & greater connection. The night that Justin and Juna decided to create their partnership, they also decided to document their entire relationship journey...

A Dream of Gifts and a Visit from the Dead CONTRIBUTOR: . Here is a little ghost story for October 1 - the start of the month that ends in Samhain, when the veil between the worlds becomes thin:Last night I dreamt that my cat Jerry, who died just over a week ago, came back to me. I dreamt there was a...

What Can You Do with Denominational History? CONTRIBUTOR: . Lincoln MullenI recently read Thomas Kidd and Barry Hankins's Baptists in America: A History (2015). I must have liked it, since my father, for many years a Baptist pastor, says that I've tried to send him copies more than once. This book deserves a proper review, perhaps paired with David...

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