Thursday, October 1, 2015

It’s Getting Darker - Shine On

Spirit News Weekly Featured

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It’s Getting Darker - Shine On CONTRIBUTOR: . By Alice Johnson Childs “And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness,...

How to Hear Spirit Mindfully and Easily CONTRIBUTOR: . OM Times is a leading voice of the Conscious Community with articles covering the full spectrum of Conscious Living. Click here to see all we share. How to Hear Spirit Mindfully and Easily by Jock Brocas If you are on a spiritual path and have chosen to dedicate your life...

The Craving Behind the Craving: Addiction as a Spiritual Disease

CONTRIBUTOR: . 1st October 2015 By Irwin Ozborne Guest Writer for Wake Up World “It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.” As a child, I remember walking in my grandmother’s backyard and one day noticed a...

God Used a Break-Up For My Good CONTRIBUTOR: . As you've most likely read, I have 'almost' dated three guys in the past two years. None of them worked out, for various reasons. After the third dude fell through, I embraced my singleness whole-heartedly. And was determined that the next guy I got to know/started dating was the one...

Mind Before Matter: How Consciousness is Making a Comeback Through Scientific Exploration

CONTRIBUTOR: . 1st October 2015 By Phillip J. Watt Guest Writer for Wake Up World A person’s worldview has always been shaped by their culture and period in history. If we grew up in a tribal setting, we would have a remarkably different perspective than in a ‘modern’ society. Well, that’s what...

Shifting Drama with Justin & Juna Milano and Edie Weinstein CONTRIBUTOR: . Edie Weinstein welcomes Justin and Juna Milano as they explore one of the most powerful ways to shift out of drama & disconnection and back into intimacy & greater connection. The night that Justin and Juna decided to create their partnership, they also decided to document their entire relationship journey...

A Dream of Gifts and a Visit from the Dead CONTRIBUTOR: . Here is a little ghost story for October 1 - the start of the month that ends in Samhain, when the veil between the worlds becomes thin:Last night I dreamt that my cat Jerry, who died just over a week ago, came back to me. I dreamt there was a...

What Can You Do with Denominational History? CONTRIBUTOR: . Lincoln MullenI recently read Thomas Kidd and Barry Hankins's Baptists in America: A History (2015). I must have liked it, since my father, for many years a Baptist pastor, says that I've tried to send him copies more than once. This book deserves a proper review, perhaps paired with David...

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