Thursday, October 1, 2015

Review: “War Room” Finds Success by Focusing on the Power of Prayer

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Shutdown Watch: Spending Bill Expected To Pass Congress
Matt Vespa
At midnight tonight, the government is expected to run out of money. Yet, it seems we have dodged a bullet as the House and Senate are expected to pass a funding measure that will keep the government open until December.
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Report: Trey Gowdy to Retire After Current Term -- Update: Or Not?
Guy Benson
Palestinian Authority President: We’re Done With The Oslo Accords
Matt Vespa
Plans To Weaken NATO Will Aid Putin's 'Imperial Menace' Says 'Raped' Baltic State
Andre Walker
Ha: Jimmy Kimmel Tricked Hillary Clinton Supporters Into Liking Donald Trump's Tax Plan
Christine Rousselle
Islamic State "LOLs" at UN Response As Western Attacks Rise
Andre Walker
Denied A Stay Of Execution, Georgia Executes First Woman In Seven Decades
Matt Vespa
VIDEO: NCAA Wins Ruling in Federal Court
A federal appeals court has spared the NCAA from paying student athletes and compensating them for use of their likeness.
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VIDEO: Cockpit Video: Syria Airstrikes
The view from Russian planes as the country launches its first airstrikes in Syria, targeting Islamic State targets. (This video has no sound)
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VIDEO: Planned Parenthood Chief Defends Organization
Appearing on Capitol Hill for the first time since the release of a series of secretly recorded videos, Planned Parenthood Pres. Cecile Richards defended her organization as Republicans raised concerns about how the group spends funds
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Review: “War Room” Finds Success by Focusing on the Power of Prayer
John Hanlon
One small film that qualifies as one of the years biggest winners though is War Room, a Christian film about the power of prayer.
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The Cult of Victims
John Stossel
Bill Clinton says Hillary is a victim of a right-wing conspiracy.
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To Replace Boehner, Why Not Newt Gingrich for Speaker?
Jonah Goldberg
Almost exactly seven years ago, House Speaker John Boehner said of the Wall Street bailout bill, "I think this thing is a crap sandwich" -- but he'd vote for it anyway. I remarked at the time, "It's crap sandwiches for as far as the eye can see" -- and I was right.
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Pope Francis and Kim Davis Secretly Met During DC Visit
Leah Barkoukis
On his way back home Pope Francis took several questions from reporters on a wide range of topics, including one from ABC’s Terry Moran about whether the Holy Father supports government officials who, because of their religious beliefs, cannot carry out their duties, such as issuing gay ‘marriage’ licenses.
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Video: Hillary Spokeswoman Rambles Incoherently About Email Scandal
Guy Benson
This clip is a few days old now, but still worth highlighting because it underscores the quandary in which Team Hillary finds itself.
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Columnists & Tipsheet
Good Riddance!
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Thomas Sowell
Welcome to Wealthy Middle Eastern Thug Privilege
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Michelle Malkin
Unnecessary Loss of Life
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Walter E. Williams
Media Trust Hits All-Time Low
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Defunding Planned Parenthood Takes Leadership
Star Parker
Star Parker
When the General Assembly Votes, the US Should Abstain
Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
An Open Letter to Justin Bieber About Living Like Jesus
Michael Brown
Michael Brown
War on Women: Planned Parenthood Killed About 438 Unborn Baby Girls Per Day
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Terry Jeffrey
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
Waffle House Refuses Service to Armed Soldier | Jenn Jacques
The 8 Dumbest Celebrity Gun Control Quotes You’ll Ever Read | Staff
Why Are Moms Demand Action Supporters So Inherently Vile and Violent? | Bob Owens
Incredible 3,800 Yard (2.16 MILES) Long Range Shot | Bob Owens
Death on a Sunny Afternoon | Bob Owens
Political News
In New Hampshire, substance abuse at center of 2016 campaign | AP News
Q&A: Abbas warning to Israel blunted by lack of specifics | AP News
The Latest: Lebanon appeals for assistance on refugee front | AP News
Rio becomes first Brazilian city to ban use of Uber | AP News
Judge blocks federal oil, gas drilling rules pending lawsuit | AP News
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COMMENTARY: Israel - the Apple of God's Eye* Daily Newsletter&utm_content=2148
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
To read all of today's news items in full, click here!
SPECIAL NOTICE: Israel Today editor Ryan Jones will be in Australia late November to early December and is available to speak at your congregation or other gathering in either New South Wales or Victoria.

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Bethlehem Church Burns; No One Cares
If Jews aren't involved, attacks on Christians in the Holy Land don't seem to interest the international community
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COMMENTARY: Israel - the Apple of God's Eye
Jesus suggests that the generation witnessing Israel's restoration, along with other signs of the times, would see his return
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Israel Today magazine offers more than just the daily online news...
InterNations conducted an international survey of "The most family-friendly countries in the world". When you think of all the dangers of everyday life in Israel it would not seem obvious that Israel is one of the best countries in the world to raise children. Who would have thought that?
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Egyptian Activist: Arabs Are Jealous of Israel
Outspoken Egyptian says conflict is not really about land, but rooted in Arab envy of Israel's strength and accomplishments
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Exclusively for subscribers to Israel Today Magazine:
Transition: From pro-Palestinian to pro-Israel
Wave: What dangers does the flood of refugees hold for Europe?
Effect: How important is the Bible for Israelis?
Knowledge: Why are Palestinian Christians against Israel?
The latest issue of Israel Today Magazine is now available! Get it now... Don't miss out!
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Breaking: World Leader Accuses Obama of TREASON on the Floor of the United Nations (Video) Start Of The Fall?

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Welcome to the Before It's News Top Trending Stories. Each weekday we deliver the most important and interesting alternative stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

China’s Ghost Cities: 64 MILLION EMPTY Apartments in China (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: SGTreport. from Journeyman Pictures, via Global Research: Vast new cities are being built across China at a rate of ten a year, but they remain almost completely uninhabited ghost towns. Racing to stay ahead of the world economy, is the superpower about to implode? There are around 64 million empty apartments...


444 and God's Chilling Warning! Wait Until You See What It Might Mean For All of Us and People Are Literally Seeing It Everywhere! (Videos) CONTRIBUTOR: Lyn Leahz. It has come to my attention that people are seeing the number sequence 444 in dreams, visions, on their clocks, license plates, receipt totals, and everywhere! The people who are experiencing this 'numeric phenomenon' are left with a feeling that God is trying to tell them something or that there...


Putin Lands Knockout Blow To President Obama's Already Awful Credibility CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason. If you did not have a moment to watch Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin follow one another before the United Nations earlier in the week, be fair warned: It is AWFUL! Most sane Americans would rather have hot needles poking in both eyeballs while cooking inside a stove than listen...


Jeff Berwick on The Guerrilla Economist on Impending Financial Crisis, WWIII and Dead Bankers

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Comet ISON returns in 2015 after a likely quick U-turn around the incoming Brown Dwarf CONTRIBUTOR: Cara. Remember the passage of Comet ISON in November 2013? It's coming back after having done a quick U-turn, probably around the Brown Dwarf (a star) already in our solar system, and will be back sometime before the end of this year - dates vary between videos, with Earth's passage through...


Oil Is Not a Fossil Fuel - Shocking Truth from Colonel Prouty! CONTRIBUTOR: Glenn Canady. Glenn Canady (Friend me!) LIKE my other Facebook, Truth Warriors Page , Twitter , Tsu ... Watch the first video on www.project.nse... open a Doorway to God and to get hardcore truth! Those who join Project Nsearch will learn how I went from Zero to over $8,000 a month, get free...


Breaking: World Leader Accuses Obama of TREASON on the Floor of the United Nations (Video) Start Of The Fall? CONTRIBUTOR: King of Shambhala. By King of Shambhala (I announce the Apocalypse and Revelation as a Buddhist reluctantly delving into the Christian Apocalypse as a Messenger of it. I’m the Messiah/Jesus.) Address of the Argentine President Cristina Fernández to the UN General Assembly It begins at 16:40,Argentina President speaks about Iran and the USA...


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Facebook’s Zuckerberg Busted On Live Mic Cutting a Deal With the Devil! Wait Until You Hear What He Agreed To… CURATOR: Lisa Haven. By Lisa Haven I’ve about had it with Facebook and all their laws and regulations, and if you are anything like me, then you probably feel the same way. After discovering that Facebook can access any information on your computer simply by joining and that they can share...


Planet Mars Offers Up Evidence Of An Ancient Civilization That Once Existed There! (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett. NASA has found water on Mars, but most of us already knew it. But according to NASA, there is no life found on Mars yet. At first they say “We have found flowing water on Mars” then they will announce that they have found living microbes in the soil,...




CONTRIBUTOR: Now The End Begins


CURATOR: Lisa Haven

CONTRIBUTOR: illuminatinsider

CONTRIBUTOR: The Vatic Project

CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson

CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson

CURATOR: Lisa Haven


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America Must Choose!!

Published on Oct 1, 2015

Pastor Paul speaking on the future of America in prophecy

End Time Signs Breakout In Pennsylvania "Blood Moon Revival"

Published on Oct 1, 2015

Incredible move of God as "End time Signs" breakout in Pennsylvania as 40 people baptized last night

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